Kieli Lotto



7 years, 5 months ago


Kieli ★ Lotto

Species: pureblood vampire 

nationality: french

“The Vampire Queen (Mother)” . Was often referred to as “Mad Lady” during her ruthlessness and physical appearance during the 1800s, a tall pale woman with unruly floor length hair and blood stained gowns. Was born to two siblings, Valerie and Abelard Lotto, and has two siblings of her own ; Karolyn and Kain.

Her vanity and ego soon outgrew her life of aristocracy and she rebelled, creating a blight that’s plagued vampirekind ever since (Barnaby; by way of exploiting his lack of weaknesses and training him in how she believed a vampire should act; teaching him to be powerful so that no one would ever hurt him again).

Despite her ruthless nature and violent tendencies when angry, she’s a reasonable enough woman that’s only slightly lost track of a stable moral code with over 200 years of existence. 

Stands at 6 feet tall yet wears platforms that take her to around 6’4’’ most days.