Toviel Vesperelle



4 years, 2 months ago




Full name: Toviel Vesperelle

Gender: male

Age: 21

Race: Half Aasimar, half Fiend.


Height: 6'3” (including horns: 6'6")
Weight: 160 lbs

Build: slender but broad-shouldered: as a defensive mage, he's never had any need to build up muscle or strength.

Skin color: a dark greyish-blue
Hair color: bluish-silver with patches of white around his temples

Eye color: yellow corneas--piercing blue irises with a ring of gold around the pupil, which is a milky white.

Scars/distinguishing marks: two sets of three circular birthmarks under his eyes; white freckles smattered across the bridge of his nose + cheeks, and across his arms and tail. Left horn is broken in the middle, and right ear is tattered. He has a deep scar on his right brow, and two smaller ones down his lip. He has a long tail with a thick tuft of hair at the tip, and said tail is crooked and scarred in several places. As aforementioned, his half-fiend heritage passed on a number of traditionally-tiefling features, including antler-like horns, prominent canines, long claws (which he files down considerably), his skin tone, a large tail, and Drow-like ears. However, he also inherited angelic features, too, including his hair and eyes.


He's an incredibly sweet-natured but withdrawn individual and is essentially incapable of raising his voice louder than a murmur. He avoids any kind of conflict, and will bend over backward to accommodate others Deeply self-critical and insecure: it takes quite a lot of prodding to get him out of his shell. Intensely--even naively--optimistic in his thinking, though is often unable to apply this forgiving view to his own short-comings. Draws upon his celestial heritage to wield powerful magic, though much prefers playing defense: hates the thought of making others bleed.