Amenah Winters



4 years, 3 months ago






"I've had the weirdest dream last night..."


Amenah is a caring, kind, truthful and helpful bat. She loves bugs, cute accessories, colorful bandaids and fruits. She'll protect her friends and innocent people at all costs, and she'll do her best to prevent them from being in trouble. She loves pastel colors but also loves to change it up a bit.

Because of her power, she's learned quite a bit of how people tend to act and how adventures can be fun. She's still very calm and loves her job as a Zookeeper, treating the animals and bugs in it with total respect and care.


Amenah is a gray-toned, furless bat. Her eye colors are blue-green. She's got heart shaped earrings and loves wearing her pink glasses and using colorful band-aids on her snout. Her pawpads are black, and her belly color is a purple toned gray, a bit darker than the rest of her body. Her face has purple markings ranging from below her eyes to her nose. Her height is 1,69 meters. She has wings with the anathomy of a bat, with the ability to extend her fingers and make membranes between them. She can also have back wings, but she prefers to use her hands as wings in a more scientifically accurate way to depict bats.


Amenah was a good kid. She got nice grades in school, had some friends, and despite some bullying everyone suffers, she's totally fine. She had good parents and an overall good life, obviously with some drawbacks, like every teenage life. However, like most creatures in her world, she had some sort of... defining feature. When she sleeps... things get weird. Most of the time, she has vivid dreams about a lot of stuff. They're realistic, and when she gets hurt in a dream, she gets hurt in real life. We still don't know what'd happen if she died in a dream. Sometimes, when she sleeps, she even materializes in other universes, and can only get back if she sleeps in that universe! When she's dreaming, or having a nightmare, her eyes glow and her crescent moon too. If anyone touches her crescent moon when this is happening... things get weirder. The person automatically falls asleep and gets to the same dream (or universe) as Amenah. Amenah is currently in her 20's, living with her roomate, who's a friend since school days. They play lots of games and talk about life in general, as well as... about those dreams of her.

Amenah always had a great passion for animals of all kinds, especially bugs. She hates when people kill or mock them, and will defend the little critters whenever she can. She's graduated in biology, and currently works as a Zookeper. She is especially great at healing wounded animals people bring and has great mastery in how to treat and raise bugs and exoctic animals..


● Her love for pastel colors and her whole tastes started when watching Sailor Moon.

● She lives in an apartment with her Roomate, Thalia.

● Her pet Spider is named Aragorn. She doesn't know how he appeared in her apartment, but she started to care for him as soon as she found him out after waking up one day.

● She loves the species diversity in the world, and that fact alone was the reason she became a Zookeper in the first place. She loves how different anthro species live and use their specialties to their fullest in their occupations

● As she's a bat, she has super good hearing and is also a good singer. She loves dancing too, and loves to learn new coreographies in internet videos

profile html by Hukiolukio