


4 years, 2 months ago


Birthday: Janurary 11th
Base by: Swamm

Sastruga is a natural social butterfly, always popping in to have in on the fun of whatever is happening. 

More often than not, she goes off track of the initial goal or activity, just to quickly latch onto the next thing that caught her eye. If you pitch in your plan that involves several different situations, she's game. Otherwise, she gets bored pretty quickly and drops midway through. 

She's impulsive? yeah. LOL 

Music theme: Snowy Forest by Kshiraki

Fun facts: 

  • The words sastrugi and zastrugi are Russian-language plurals; the singular is zastruga.  The form sastruga started as the German-language transliteration of the Russian word заструга (plural: заструги) (I used Sastruga, the singular form!) 
  • Sastrugi, or zastrugi, are sharp irregular grooves or ridges formed on a snow surface by wind erosion.  More commonly found on frozen lakes and oceans. 
  • It's my reasoning for her an "on and off" attitude and attention span of things.  There's a sharp incline, and then a sharp drop off, continuously.  (people have gotten injuries from these formations. hmmm..) (´°ω°)