I am posting to announce that SadCat is the winner of this character!

It was a difficult choice, as there were so many amazingly detailed entries.
Please don't feel discouraged if you didn't get the character, I loved all of your stories and character ideas!!

All other entrants will have 24 hours to copy their entries, and then I will delete them and send the character to their new owner! 

The Poet

Her words could tear through the hearts of those who listened, masterfully pieced togeather like a puzzle whos pieces were never lost. Such a voice must have been a blessing, and to the luck of those who listened, she used it for good. Truth was what she wanted those who listed to hear, she wanted the world to the know sad truths and happy endings. Along with her friends, The Soldier and The King, she traveled to many places to make those foriegn to knowledge as smart as Athena herself.

Her heart has always lied in the right place, just as her kind smile had. She'd know if you'd wrong as soon as she saw, but she'd never take to judging outwardly too quick. Though, that was one of her weaknesses. The Soldier was too easy to trust and usually went against her about everything when it came to someone who seemed shady. Luckily, many of those she assumed dark-hearted took pity of the trio of travelers. The King always listens to her stories, as well as The Soldier, but she never listened as well as The King.

One small fact about her, shes only ever lost an arguement to The Soldier, but other then that, no one has out weighed her knowledge.

Credit to the song Soldier Poet King by The Oh Hellos

Quintet brings the joy, the hope, the light, the music, the flower petals drifting in on winds warmed by the arriving of the springtime. Quintet often hides her form, appearing as a stray cat who twirls around your legs when you're sitting at the bus stop in the rain, or as the person who cracks bad jokes in line to get your morning caffeine. Maybe she'll feel whimsical, showing herself as the crisp April showers or the star that twinkles when the night is dark and cold. 

Name: Petals

Personality: Sweet, caring, optimistic

Voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0LpfAENdOo

She is a spirit guide animals (would be apart of this ) group. They are there to protect and guide the kids (at least most of them).

For one of these kids in this folder-https://toyhou.se/ninialex/characters/folder:506895 haven't decided yet

