


4 years, 1 month ago


Riddlemaker is a nightwing with blood-red wings. He is a child raised by a old animus dragon on a small hidden island on the ocean. He was raised to be a killer with little emotions. Normally he has not any binding with other dragons. He just counts on trust. He has the power to see into the future, read minds, beathe fire and see in the dark (with infrared vision too). The animus often took him to the main land to train him in fighting, tricking other or just telling him how mean all the other dragons are. After being raised for a few years he had a vision of his animus father. He found out that he is not his son and that his "father" did lots of terrible things. He lost trust in the only thing he ever had trusted in and ran away. He knew only one dragon that could help him: A sky/seawing hybrid calld Goldfish. She often traded with his stepfather carpets and earned a little bit of his trust. Together they are trying to find Riddlemakers real parents, why he has that much powers and why his wings are that red. Secretly, the animus ist trying to get Riddlemaker back.

Riddlemaker isn't talking a lot. He is often just silent or does things without talking about it. Trust is the only way he can interact with other dragons. If he can't trust them, they are enemies. He is already a really good killer, but doesn't kill out of fun. He kills because it's the only effectiv way to get what he wants in his opinion. It isn't true, but that was what he got raised to believe. He dosn't care about scavengers.

Right now my plot is that Riddlemaker was born under three bloodmoons, but that's where it starts getting problematic. Why aren't all nightwings like Riddlemaker?

Riddlemaker was my idea. I created him after reading the first 5 books of "Wings Of Fire". This drawing was made by LisyLupikus. She gave it to me as a gift.