Pipkin (NFS)



4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Pipkin

Old Name: Cyclops

Gender: Male

Appearance: Cyclops is four times bigger than the rest of his siblings. He has only one eye and has a tree that once grew on his back but has since died and is now home to an owl. He has a fierce appearance to him that tends to frighten others. Between his size, single eye and scary appearance people try to keep their distance from him even his own siblings except for Maple and Quince who love making fun of him and bullying him.

Pet Rabbit: Moonflower (Nickname: Moon/Crescent)

Personality: Don't judge him by appearances. At a glance you would think he was evil, someone who would kill you if you so much as looked at him wrong. But that is not who he is. Cyclops is a loner and tends to stick to himself. He especially likes to steer clear of his brothers Maple and Quin who tends to bully him and make fun of him along with his father Juris. He is a bit of a mama's boy and hides behind her whenever he see's his father coming. But he has a really big heart. He spends his days tending to injured wild life and helping them recover before returning them to the wild. He couldn't hurt someone even if his life was in danger he is a gentle giant and he cries very easily. He's just a big softie which is another reason why Maple bully's him because he is so big but he is to soft. If Cyclops finds a butterfly or moth caught in a spider web he will stop and free it. He is truly just a sweet guy all around.

History: Pipkin was chased out of his pride by Quince's pet hyena when everyone was out and about. He ran and ran until he reached the border of the human town where he finally stopped to catch his breath. As he did so he was captured by the humans and turned into the towns pet lion. They built a cage for him to stay in. He grew very close to one human in particular a little girl he calls Mia who gave him his new name Pipkin. After he was there for over a month the humans held a celebration in honor of Pipkin and gave him lots of love an attention before returning him to his cage.