


4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Sell back to Hayhodge if ever want to sell


Sale USD

Star Sign



  • AGE 27
  • GENDER Female
  • PRONOUNS She/her
  • Species Mistwolf
  • Birthday March 19th
  • ALIGNMENT Lawful Good
  • SEXUALITY Straight
  • ROLE Healer


In a world full of chaos, Amalia is a beacon of light, radiating positivity and love wherever she goes. She reminds everyone she meets to always stay true to themselves and never lose sight of the magic that exists in the world around them. Despite her tough upbringing, her heart remained kind and her spirit unbreakable. As a true healer, she radiates warmth and empathy to all those around her, always willing to lend a helping hand or a listening ear. Her gentle nature and innate intuition make her a trusted confidant and a source of comfort for those in need. The night sky is Amalia's sanctuary. She finds solace in the quiet and peacefulness of the stars and moon. It is where she goes to reflect and connect with her inner self. You can often find her spending her nights stargazing, finding comfort and guidance in the celestial bodies above.


  • The night sky: She spends many nights stargazing and feels a sense of wonder and magic in the darkness, she is in awe of its vastness and beauty. 
  • Peace and tranquility: Amalia finds peace and tranquility in the stillness of the forest. She enjoys moments of solitude and uses them to reflect, meditate, and connect with her inner self.
  • Nature and the outdoors: She has a deep love and appreciation for nature. She loves the quiet beauty of the forest and feels a strong connection to the earth and all its creatures.
  • Healing with crystals: She has a natural affinity for healing and is drawn to the power of crystals. She spends hours collecting and studying different types of crystals and uses them to heal herself and others.
  • Unknown


  • Crowds and noise: Amalia is not used to crowds and loud noises. She feels overwhelmed and anxious in busy and noisy environments and prefers the quietness of nature.
  • Conflict and aggression: Having experienced the harshness of the wild, she has a strong aversion to conflict and aggression. She avoids confrontation and prefers to resolve conflicts peacefully.
  • Materialism: Amalia values experience and connections over material possessions. She dislikes the superficiality and materialism of society and prefers a simple and minimalistic lifestyle
  • Injustice: She has a strong sense of justice and fairness. She dislikes seeing others being mistreated or taken advantage of and will speak up against injustice.
  • Unknown

Layout by carebear | Code by Aurorean


As a true water sign, Amalia is deeply intuitive and empathetic. She has an uncanny ability to understand and feel the emotions of others, making her a natural healer and counselor. Her compassionate nature and soothing presence have a calming effect on those around her, making her a beloved friend and confidante. She has always had a deep connection with nature, particularly with the mystical energy of crystals. She spends hours exploring the forest, collecting and admiring the various crystals she finds. For her, each crystal holds a unique and powerful energy that she believes can bring balance and healing to her life and those around her.

Growing up in the depths of the forest, she learned to navigate through life’s challenges with grace and determination. The forest had taught her to be resilient and adaptable. She is not afraid of change and embraces it as a natural part of life. Her open-mindedness and willingness to try new things make her a versatile and adventurous individual. Despite her tough and lonely upbringing, Amalia has a heart of gold. She sees the good in everyone and always chooses to spread love and kindness wherever she goes. Her gentle nature and selfless acts of kindness have a powerful impact on those she encounters.


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Growing up

Amalia was born on a cold, starry night in the heart of the forest. Her mother, a kind and gentle soul, had been wandering through the forest when she went into labor. With no one around to help, she gave birth to Amalia on her own, surrounded by the calming sounds of nature. Unfortunately, the joy of bringing a new life into the world was short-lived as Amalia's mother passed away soon after giving birth. Left alone and abandoned in the forest, the newborn pup cried out, her cries echoing through the trees. It was then that a pack of wolves, led by their alpha female, heard her cries and came to investigate.

The forest wolves, sensing the vulnerability and innocence of the pup, took her in as one of their own. They raised her, protected her, and taught her the ways of the forest. Aurora grew up surrounded by the beauty and danger of the forest, learning to fend for herself and survive in the wild. As a young pup, Amalia struggled to survive in the unforgiving forest. She learned to hunt, fish, and gather food, relying on her instincts and the guidance of the pack. She also developed a deep connection with the forest and its inhabitants, feeling a sense of belonging and peace amongst the trees and animals. 

As she grew older, she discovered a love for crystals and her innate abilities as a healer. She spent hours collecting different types of crystals and using them, harnessing their natural energies to heal herself and those around her, finding comfort in their beauty and mystery. She also developed a strong intuition and a deep understanding of the natural world, often spending her nights under the stars, finding comfort in its vastness and the twinkling that guided her through the darkness, lost in thought and wonder.

Despite the hardships she faced, Amalia remained kind and compassionate. She would often share her food and shelter with injured animals and hikers/travelers she met, nursing them back to health. Her gentle nature and empathetic spirit made her a beloved member of the forest community. As she reached adulthood, her reputation as a kind and wise young wolf spread throughout the forest. Many came to her for guidance and advice, and she was always willing to help in any way she could. Her love for crystals and the night sky also led her to become a healer, using the power of nature and her intuition to help those in need.

Meeting Family

As much as she loved her life in the forest, Amalia couldn't shake off the feeling that she was missing something. She longed for a sense of belonging and a family to call her own. She often gazed up at the stars, wondering if her mother was watching over her and if she had any other family out there.

Around the age of 20, her questions were finally answered when she heard from a traveler of a young wolf with the same mist as herself, who lived on a nearby mountain farm, only a few days away. She set out to meet him, saying an emotional goodbye to her forest pack and family.

Teiko was indeed her long-lost brother, who had also been abandoned as a baby, but by their shared father. The two siblings were overjoyed to finally find each other and quickly bonded over their shared love for the night sky. Amalia finally found the sense of belonging she had been searching for. She and Teiko would spend hours talking about their lives and their hopes and dreams for the future. Together, they explored the forest and the night sky, discovering new wonders and deepening their bond as siblings.




Father of Amalia

Brother of Amalia

Daughter of Amalia