


7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Axel Howlett

real name

Marie Elizabeth Howlett



Other Names

Axel Wagner, Axis Logan, Axel Rogers


Angel, White Demon, Experiment A-X-15, Project A-X-is, whitey, Loki's Girl, White Soldier


1.70 mts

biological age

Like 82 years old more or less

physical age

17 - 18 years old


single / divorced



Hero or Villain





sarcastic, cold, cranky, lethal, not reliable, paranoid / nice, overprotective, smiley, loyal


Original Character form the Marvel Fandom

"You don't get carried away by appearances, these aren't reliable (points to kurt) he is an angel who protects me and stops me, especially because, dude, I'm the devil"
-Axis to Magneto


Father: James Howlett (Wolverine)
First Adoptive Father: Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Paternal Figure: Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Mother: Rose Hopkins 
Brother: Akihiro (Daken)
Sister: Laura Kinney (X-23)
Ex-Husband: Loki
Ex-Partner: Winter Soldier (Bucky)
Children: (depends of the universe, if you want to know more about her children, ask me please, she have a lot of children XD but, the next are the principal)
Son: Frederick Howlett (Fenrir Lokison, Prince of the snow, king wolf, middle son)
Daughter: Gisella Howlett (Hela Princess of the death and Future Hel, daughter of loki, youngest daughter)
Daughter: Ellen Barnes ("Red Poison" assassin of Hydra, Bucky daughter, eldest daughter)
Adoptive Mother: Margali Szardos
Adoptive Brothers: Kurt Wagner / Stefan Szardos / Amanda Sefton

Powers / Abilities / Weakness:

+Change her physiological structure
+Wings / Fly
+Claws in hands (similar to X-23)
+Alteration and manipulation of reality (Limited)
+Travel into dimensions (Limited)
+Fighting knowledge
+Weapons management
-Is highly sensitive to mental manipulation
-She is very insecure about her decisions
-Using her special powers is too exhausted and leaving her vulnerable

Story (base):

She is the daughter of Logan, her real name is Marie Elizabeth Howlett, but, she lost her memory when she was kidnapped for Hydra when had 5 years old, she was liberated for Captain America and Bucky, but, after of "dead of bucky and The captain" she was re-captured, she together with Bucky were control mind, and they was assassin together, she participated together with winter soldier on missions and the X-weapon, she was part of the training of black widow, and was re-frozen, when she was liberate, she wasn't remember nothing of his life, and the "family" of Kurt adopted her, she lived with kurt for 6 years, she is called "Axel Howlett" (howlett is the only that she can remember). She has special powers thanks to the genetic manipulation she suffered in Hydra


*she was in love of Kurt (but, she isn't reciprocated)
*currently, in my history of "comics" she is single
*she is the first daughter of Logan (I don't know who is her mother actually)
*She has the power to alter reality, she is mentally disturbed sometimes
*her father she inherited; regeneration, claws and bad personality (like logan)
*She has a good heart
*also, when she use her claws, her wings disappear
*she has the wings since 2 years old
*when she has an attack of anxiety, she cut her wings totally (she can do that her wings grow when she want)
*when she is related with the Avengers, she don't have her wings
*she is different on any universe