


4 years, 2 months ago


40 moons
Cis Male


Kind • Loyal • Fatherly • Self-conscience • Nervous • Clingy • Sensitive • Pushover

Slatetongue has grown a ton from the kit he was when he first arrived in Oakclan. Despite growing up in a hostile environment of old Oakclan, the kind benevolence within him only strengthened. The silver tom will and has dove headfirst into dangerous situations to help others. His weakest feature is his sensitivity, which stems from his strong sense of altruism.

Even though some consider his softness a weak point it has fostered relationships with those he loves. His kits, Bristletoes and Rainfall, and mate, Waspwhisper, come first and foremost in all of his decisions and actions. The clan is second highest in his order of loyalty to the lanky tom. The intensity of his loyalty and love are what make him such a dependable and respected cat within Oakclan.


  • Cuddles
  • Kittens
  • Mentoring
  • Sparring


  • Rain
  • Hunting
  • Leaf-bare
  • Snow
"a father never stops worrying about his children..."


Slatekit was given up by his parents to Oakclan so that he could have a better life than what two rogues could provide a tiny kit. This abandonment really triggered his stutter and made him fairly clingy to those in the clan that would put up with him.

Once becoming a member of Oakclan the tom had to become adjusted to what all was entailed in being a clan cat. Within days he realized that this was very different from how he was raised. His parents had mostly hid him in bushes while they went off hunting, but here he was allowed to stay in the nursery and had a warm nest and a denmother (Sweetbounce) to take care of him. Along with having a denmother he made new friends, and found that these bonds made him truly happy.

The first incident that truly instilled fear in Slatekit was when the foxes attacked. One burst through the nursery, where he was hiding, and gave him two scars on his eyebrow. Peachpaw, one of his closest friends, saved him and killed the fox. Very few made it out of this fight without some blood shed.

Once reaching six months old the small tom was given his new name, Slatepaw, along with a mentor. Much to his relief Peachfuzz, his newly named friend, was assigned to him as his mentor. She was the exact opposite of him, strong and willful, which was to his advantage. Throughout the first few months of his apprenticeship Slatepaw picked up some of his mentor’s tenacity, while retaining his kind and crybaby nature.

It wasn’t long into this stage before the truth behind the warriors of Oakclan was exposed. He didn’t know how to feel, but he knew that he trusted Peachfuzz and his friends. So he prepared to leave without letting on to the adults that he knew of the tunnels and their drugging of Ashenpaw. The moment they had all been anxiously awaiting came and unfortunately did not come to pass as someone had snitched them out to the warriors. This started the decline of Slatepaw’s purely innocent nature.

Finding out that his closest friend, Marshpaw, was the snitch broke Slatepaw. He didn’t know how to trust those around him anymore and caused him to recoil from anyone that wasn’t Mockingpaw or Peachfuzz. He fought harder than he ever thought he would try to save himself and the others. Seeing the murder of one of his own, Fogpaw, sent him down a violent spiral. For the first time in his life he genuinely wanted to kill...the feelings blurring his sense of what was right and what was wrong. Acting on these feelings exposed how strongly Slatepaw loved those around him. Minnowleap had to pay for killing Fogpaw and he was willing to kill her himself.

Once he realized it was impossible to win this fight he was urged by Peachfuzz to run away, which he did. Much to his surprise Mockingpaw abandoned them shortly after escaping. He had cared deeply for her and felt his strong sense of loyalty being frayed even more than it already had been from Marshpaw betraying him. Slatepaw wanted to chase after her so badly, but knew that he had to stay behind and rescue Peachfuzz and the others.

The escaped cats began an attack against the remaining warriors after they had spent the night in the old Oakclan camp. Slatepaw had never seen this land, but it was beautiful. He couldn’t enjoy it for too long though as they met a new/old cat named Daisypaw, that helped them with the plan to attack. Slatepaw knew that he wasn’t the fastest, that would be Leopardpaw, and he wasn’t the strongest, that would be Wrenpaw...but he would fight to the death if need be. When the cats that had been captured returned from the tunnels of death they all fought the warriors to the death. Mockingpaw reappeared after her disappearance and pushed a branch that had been caught on fire by a lightning strike down to kill one of the warriors. Unfortunately, the fire riddled branch shot fire up into Slatepaw’s face and left scars on his nose and left arm. During this, Hawkthorn is killed by Hawkstar and Peachfuzz leads the others into a group attack on the horrible leader...taking her final life.

Slatepaw is overcome by grief for the death of Hawkthorn and has a hard time coping with his whole life being turned upside down. Ivyowl became Ivystar...Nightpaw became Nightshade the medicine cat. Everything was so different and he could only hope it was for the better.

After a few peaceful moons of living in the new Oakclan camp Slatepaw is given his new name, Slatetongue. Ivystar gave him this name as a symbol of his kind nature and ability to soothe others in their time of need. He is flustered, but very proud of his new name.

Now that he is an adult Slatetongue confesses his feelings for Mockingroar...but she doesn’t reciprocate them. This was hard for Slatetongue to swallow, but what really hurt him was the distance she put between herself and him. The tom lost a friend because he was honest about his emotions...this messed with his mind for a long time. She continued to lash out at others and hurt them...making ableist comments to Marsheye...which he still didn’t trust, but he would not allow Mockingroar to make such horrible remarks. He went to Peachfuzz and tried to clear his mind of all the thoughts that were plaguing him.

When he found out that Mockingroar was pregnant the tom was come she hadn’t just told him that she was with someone else? He couldn’t understand… He tries to move past this but he seems to be of use to no one.

It seemed to always be raining...always. One day they decided they needed to move back to the old camp to avoid the high water levels. Rainkit went missing and a group of cats was sent to go find him. Slatetongue didn’t have much time to worry about the kit he had recently been bonding with as a dam broke not too far away. The water came crashing into camp and cats had to try and escape. Slatetongue was strong and young so he rescued as many as he could, carrying them up the tree and to the safety above. He rescued Bristlekit, who was Rainkit’s brother, and went back down to the rising water to try and save Ivystar from drowning as he was caught by a falling branch. Ashenpaw unfortunately drowned during this, but Ivystar was saved. After the flood Slatetongue bonds more with the kit he saved and his brother, Bristlekit and Rainkit.

He impatiently awaits his first apprentice, feeling sad as all his cohort got apprentices before him. When the day came that he was given his apprentice he saw why Ivystar had held him back to mentor this child. Brightpaw was named his apprentice and Slatetongue saw so much of himself in this tom, kind and meek...low self-esteem. Ivystar had entrusted this young malleable tom to Slatetongue so that he could make him into a strong and confident tom, while retaining his kind nature.

A few days after Mockingroar gives birth to her kits, Canarykit and Ospreykit, the molly goes missing. Slatetongue is incredibly worried and convinces Ivystar to let him lead a patrol out to find her. She had done this a lot...but would she really do this when she had nursing kits in camp? Before heading out to try and find her he splits up a fight between Foxpaw and Canarykit. He confronts Foxpaw later and tries to understand why she would say such things to a kit. Slatetongue feels intense sympathy for Foxpaw once she explains that she just wants to make sure Canarykit doesn’t turn out to be like her mother.

Slatetongue is horrified when they find the only thing that remains of Mockingroar….fur and blood. He sobs and brings the horrible news back to the clan, breaking the hearts of Mockingroar’s kits and Foxpaw as she had said such hurtful things about the now deceased molly.

[The dog attacks are still happening…]


• light orange eyes

• white base coat with gray saddle, light gray spots, and black tabby markings

• his fur is slightly curled in spots giving him an unkempt look

• sleek build, tall, is part oriental cat

• two small knicks on his right eyebrow given by a fox when they attacked Oakclan camp when he was a kit. One small scar on his left cheek from trying to break up a fight between Mockingpaw and Marshpaw. Two medium long scars on the back of his neck from the fight between him and Sparrowstripe during the rebellion. A medium burn across his nose and a large burn across his left arm from the rebellion against Hawkstar. Two long scars down his right cheek from the first big fight against Calypso. Four long scars across the back of his right leg from a dog clawing him. Three long scars across his back from the final battle against Calypso.


• Slatetongue's voice claim is Jack Stauber

• He sleeps with his paws crossed hugging his face

• Bats interest him deeply, he loves watching them flutter around camp at night

• He unhealthily remembers everything bad anyone says about him

• Slatetongue does not care about his biological parents at all

• Killing Charlie haunts him in his sleep, even if he knew it was the right thing to do




"Stars, I love you. I can...can't imagine my life without you. You are the kindest, swee...sweetest, and most vibrant cat I have ever met. My heart literally feels like it could explode you make it so full. I love you so much darling."



"Oh my darling son. Who wo...would've thought that saving a kit from a flood would lead to such an in...integral part of my life. I love Bristletoes with every fi..fiber of my being and I thank Starclan for trusting him and Rainfall in my care. Bristle is hellacious and powerful, and I know that he lights up e...everyone's lives that he comes into contact with. He'll always be my amazing wildchild."



"Rainfall is my second child, and I love them so much. I...I remember the fear I felt that day that Bart almost took them from me. I...I cannot let any more harm come to Rain...they are kindness, thoughfulness, and all things I love in one small package. Unlike Bristletoes, Rainfall has always been the quieter (obviously) and more collected of my sons, but when he is happy...nothing in the world shines as brightly. I don't go a day that I don't swell with pride at my darling children. They are the best thing that has e...ever happened to me."


Brightspirit [deceased]

"Bright...I still don't understand...I don't know if I ever will. You were like a son to me, I loved you d...dearly and I don't know if I will ever truly heal from your death. Your name was such an indication of what a be...beacon of kindness and light you were. Love you bub..."



"I...I'm just glad you're alive...atleast, I pray you are. I wish I would've asked you how you were doing and ac..actually pushed you to see if you were lying. Losing you after losing Brightspirit was...a new kind of pain. You were a great apprentice and I...I hope you know how proud of you I am. You were only daughter...atleast, I thought of you like my daughter, especially since your father, Frog, told me to take care of you."



"Eve was one of the first cats I e...ever opened up too here in Oakclan. We fought together against Hawkstar and against Calypso. I respect him with my and feel safe with him as deputy. I...I regret that we have grown apart, but I know that w...we will always be friends."



"I am the cat I am because of Peachfuzz. She was so much more than just mentor. I view her as an older sister and best friend. Peach is the coolest cat in all of Oakclan and I wi...will always be her biggest supporter."



"My third apprentice...she is so excitable and fun! Makes me feel young again with he...her hyperness. I adore Juncopaw and I...I would be lying if I said I wa...wasn't terrified that I'll fail her like I did Brightspirit an...and Softfire. I can't fail again...please."






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