80$'s Comments

Oh my gosh, Only god can save me now, he is BEAUTIFUL!! Honestly probably one of my favourite designs I've seen in my life! My main sona is also a long hair rainbow dalmatian ,


And I would love them to be siblings or family possibly. I dont have any characters with even close to the same amount of art as this boy but maybe there might be multiple you like and we might be able to work something out? I totally understand if you dont take intrest in anyone but I dont have the funds atm to spend any extra money unfortunatley but if I did I'd be spending it on this guy. Thanks so much, have a good one and talk soon.

Aww I love your sona!

I only really liked one of your characters and it wouldn't be a fair trade, I'm sorry! Thank you for offering, though <3

Which characters did you like may I ask? Maybe i could add some artwork? If it's still not fair thats fine, i dont want to lowball.

I really liked Morningshine!


I would accept her + some art, if you have a pricing guide so we can work out what's fair ^^

Oof, I love that girl so much   . I dont *really* have a pricing guide as I dont normally do commissions much anymore because I'm super short on time but I can make one up if you'd like? Also, would it be okay if the full payment (if you want) is in art? I RP with Morningshine heaps and I dont think I can bring myself to get rid of her yet. Sorry.

I'm sorry, but I don't think I'd accept pure art for this guy. Thank you for offering, though! (:

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