


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




Human(Some Necessary Cybernetics)


Crafting, Metal Work, Strategic/Political

Body Type

Casual Muscle




Clarent was born in his youth with some physical deformities. His family did the best they could before leaving him at an orphanage before the age of 1, as a poor farm family had little use for a son that couldn't keep up with the needs of the family business.  At the time cybernetics were hugely controvertial and not widely accepted by popular society. As such the cybernetic companies would go into orphanages and use the chidlren their as test subjects in order to identfiy what a body could endure, what metals to use and not use, how long a body can last under these conditions. Unlike most of the other able bodied orphanage children, Clarent was able to truly make use of the prosthetics and was the pioneer of their designs, gritting through discomfort in hopes of having a more normal life.

Nowadays Clarent does odd jobs here and there. He lives in the same farming town where his family once lived (they died shortly after his adoption, though the direct cause is unclear). Amidst the day to day his personalirt and optimism shine, and he's seen as a sort of champion of their town. There are some who seek to do him harm, judging his prostehetics and seeing him as the cripple they remember him to be, but his popular support forces those who think negatively to skit around the outskirts of the town.  Clarent has a gift with electrical devices, and can fix or even improve most anything made of metal. His sponsorship of the original Robotics company that outfitted him with his bionics has provded him some comfort and influential allies, and as such he lives without much want and really engages with the community.