Aspen's Comments

name: 悪人(spiritual name) 

age: unknown

gender: he/they

personality: evil,malicious,has a giant soft side though :'D

sexuality: bisexual

likes: animals like wolves or big cats,bringing people bad luck,lemon tarts,hiding in shadows or street lamps

dislikes: elderly people,chocolate,being bothered 

hobbies:visiting people while sleeping,going in peoples dreams to contort them

relationships?:  best friends friend's and co workers with ruby. friends with charger-chan.

living situation: a small dark cottage

backstory: 悪人 is a dark spirit creating evil things to do to sinful people. Long ago, 悪人 was the child of two gods. the goddess of death and mourning. and the god of sadness. besides being the descended child of two sad spirits he was not evil back then. he was very smart and caring and loved taking care of small animals. soon realizing that he did want to be the god of anything sad or destructive,the rest of the gods banished him. he lived in a small cottage,growing colder and colder as the days pass. he soon became an evil spirit. a spirit who gives bad luck and tries to take everything you have from you. in hopes to make people feel what he did. he is not heartless however,he loves kids and hopes to bring them nothing but good luck to them. though his efforts fail each time. he came across another spirit,,a dream catcher named ruby. ruby takes the bad dreams from little ones and gives them new.happier dreams. he and ruby ended up becoming friends,and now they work together spreading good and bad,light and evil. 

what i would use them for: a spirit in a story i'm writing! it's about how some kids are born with special powers outside of earth. they can control anything from the astriods to the sun. i feel like he would be a spirit that tags a long on the kids journey and tries to give them good luck,but ends up failing. so ruby has to come along.

thanks for considering! i hope i went into enough detail. ;A;

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