
Gender: Female

Age: 24

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Blue

Tail Color: Dark Pink

Sexual Preference: ???

Loves: Dancing, using her tail like a maraca

Hates: Discrimination

    She was born in a desert, but taken to the city at a young age to be sold as a pet in the black market. Luckly, she was picked up by a Arabian family and was raised as if she was their daughter. It was difficult, since she is a rattlesnake Lamia, but they got through it.... until she was 17 years old, where she ran away from home after a very heated argument about what to do with her and if she should still be in public or not.

    After many days of traveling, she found Ziva, who looked worried about her. She gave her some food, some new clothes and gave her a offer to dance til she couldn't dance anymore at her place, The Ririsu. She quickly said yes and followed her there. Now, she's a regular belly dancer there, performing in front of so many people.