Emily Long (English)




Last Name : Long
First Name : Emily
Age : 12 y/o
Birthday : 17 March
Zodiac Sign : Pisces
Height : 1m46
Weith : 34 kg
Genre : Female
Orientation : Heterosexual
Situation : Single
Originaire : Castelia City (Unova)
Origines : British (mother) | American (father)
Seiyuu : Emi Motoi (Naoko Yanagisawa - Cardcaptor Sakura)
Job : Junior high school student
d9d0erx-59c4ba98-5216-45d1-ba29-1555ad50Pokémon : Chikorita
Shiny : No
Nature : Timid
Type : Grass
Faiblesses :
Fire | Ice | Poison | Fly | Bug
Niveau : 10
Évolution : Not evolued

Attaques : Tackle | Growl | Razor Leaf | Poison Powder
Capacité spéciale : Leaf Guard = Prevents status conditions in harsh sunlight.
Pokédex : In battle, Chikorita waves its leaf around to keep the foe at bay. However, a sweet fragrance also wafts from the leaf, becalming the battling Pokémon and creating a cozy, friendly atmosphere all around.


Like :
- Read.
- Gardening.
- Try the makeup.
- Anecdotes about people.
Dislike :
- Her glasses.
- Spoiling the end of a story èOé
- When she can’t get up in the morning.
- Soft fizzy drinks.

Extras :
- When she sleeps, she sleeps! The earth can tremble, she will not wake up!
- She has three different alarm clocks in her whole room to force herself to rise.
- She follows a lot of makeup tutorial in secret because she wants to be pretty.
- She much prefers adventure novels than novels!
- She can’t wait to be taller to be allowed to wear contact lenses!
Personality : 
She’s shy and doesn’t trust herself. She doesn’t find herself pretty either and that’s why she tries to make up, to try to regain confidence. Yet when she is with her girlfriends, she feels herself and her shyness flies away. She is a very wise and studious girl, who loves to read lots of novels. She doesn’t like to disturb adults and really wants to learn how to become independent. It’s no longer a baby to hold hands with!
