
4 years, 6 months ago



Basic info: Givre, 1m58 (5'2''), Cis female (She/Her), Heteroromantic/Demisexual

Status: Alive, living alone in snowy woods. She tries to master winter elements as much as she can.

Personality: She's a very sensible and shy person,  speaking rather quietly and taking care/having deep respect for her  surrounding, especially when it comes to nature. She lives alone,  which isn't to her liking at all. She often daydreams of someone who, one day,  would get lost in the woods so she could help them, like a knight in a shiny armor. Givre is extremely embarassed of these thoughts, though.

Powers: Givre can control winter elements (Specialised in snow) and can breath longer under water. Due to her being an ondine, she's quite light-weighted, making it easy for her to move quickly. Givre can't fight well though, she prefers to flee rather than fight.

Fun facts: Her favorite color is royal blue and she loves classical music and ballads. She's also a big fan of light novels, especially fantasy-themed. Her ideal partner is a gracious man with long hair who loves nature as much as she does.

Givre grew up in a family of ondines (water elves) who were very strict on her mastering water magic. Unfortunately, she had a lot of difficulties learning this element, disappointing her surrounding. To cope with her feelings of shame and despair, Givre would often walk around her village. One day, somehow, she got lost in the snowy part of the woods near her home and was blowned away about the beauty of the winter environment: she truly wanted to live in there. 

When she got the age to live alone, Givre decided to follow her dream and moved in the wintery woods, where she discovered that all along, she was much better at controlling wintery elements rather than water elements! This discovery boosted her confidence and from this moment, she did her best to catch up on the wasted time she put in learning water magic. After a while, though, she started to feel more and more lonely. If only she could share moments with an other person...