
Name: Astro (full name is Astropyxie (or Astromyxin, haven't really decided yet))

Species: Slime (Monster)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Random Facts:

  • She's an artist.
  • Being a slime, she can shapeshift into pretty much anything.
    • She can sprout butterfly wings made of a thin layer of slime to fly!
  • She also loves butterflies, space, cooking, and cute things.
  • She was originally created to be an Undertale OC (which she still is, but I like her being like my general sona too lol)
    • Originally I was going to make her an alien (based on The Blob), but I've decided to keep her as a monster (because I mean... how the hell do you tie aliens into the Undertale universe lmfao).
  • She's a huge fan of (and has a huge crush on) well-known robot celebrity Mettaton.

(honestly that's pretty much all I got right now, like i said she's kind of a WIP)