


4 years, 3 months ago


Andromeda, a soulkeeper with a heart full of nature and love, was born second of 3 magical siblings. The first was a handsome pegasus, feathered body and sturdy wings. Similarly to Andromeda, whose hooves would form a patch of grass when on the ground, his brother would trail wind and an occasional feather. These feathers were a rare commodity, the townsfolk would always fight over who got the feather as they believed these magical soulkeepers to be gifts of the gods. Andromeda, glowing like the sun, constantly helped the townsfolk with their crops and harvest, fertilizing the soil and restoring dead crops. Zeus, his older brother, would make the winds come for the windmills and allow for the townsfolk to receive their energy for electricity. You'd think after two magical beings, the third would bring joy as well. I mean, what else could they offer? What else could they want?

Well, it was fire. Destruction. Doom. Named Apocana, he was the youngest and the first to be hated by all the townsfolk. As soon as he was a fawn he lit up in flames and set the town on fire. He was cast away to the forest before the forest cast him away once again. Zeus was the one to cast him away, going as far to ban his own brother once he tried coming back to the village to find solstice. "All you do is cause trouble, leave at once!" His voice boomed with a roar of thunder, winds pushing his flames to burn brighter, and harder, stronger, until he exploded in a burst of energy of emotional pain. All Apocana wanted was to be loved, not even worshiped. He couldn't even control his flames, they were a curse that bind him. Middle sibling Andromeda attempted to go after Apocana, but the trail was burned and he was forced to focus on putting out the rage that he left behind. It took weeks to recover the landscape, crops, and buildings affected. But once this was over, he looked down upon his elder brother and townsfolk for the first time, blaming them for their discrimination. From there, he asked the forest for help in finding his neglected brother, until months later.

Word was getting around of a blazed soulkeeper with a gentle soul in a town way north. Story goes the blaze closed the gates of the underworld and locked himself in. It was punishment, torturing himself for hurting the ones he was supposed to protect. Why couldn't he be a noble and dignified like his brothers? Why was he born just to cause destruction? Continuously, he rammed and rammed the gates of the underworld to try and break free but to no avail..it was the one thing he could not avoid. He wouldn't bother telling a soul what he did until he helped pass the dead over. It gave him something to do; a purpose. His purpose soon became helping lost souls find peace. One day,he stumbled upon a wise soul who trusted her story to him. In return, he told her his. She listened whilst upon his back, not daring to interrupt his story. "You are hurt..I know. I understand the pain in your eyes..it's okay." She ran her ice through his fire, cooling his temperature and connecting to his heart, connecting their souls together. The lady revealed herself as a magical water-bearing soulkeeper. What felt like an eternity was spent just staring at each other, looking through each others pain and sorrow, and accepting it. With her gaze alone she took on his burdens as they connected and found peace within each other. Together, they spent weeks bonding and soul-searching within the walls of the underground. It wasn't long until they became mates. Eventually, it was time, she knew his burdens had become too big for him to stay within the underworld any longer. "Apocana, sweetheart..go. Find your brothers and make things right." Nix said, which was the start of a long and drawn out conversation between the mates. To be frank, he was scared, but he knew he had to return home - nothing in his soul could rest any longer. It was thanks to Nix he could understand himself, learn how to use his powers and control them.

Standing before the gate, he took deep breathes to focus his energy into opening it. With full force, Apocana charged eyes open for the very first time, focusing his flames inwards, powering his drive. Hitting the gate flung open the doors, creating cracks on his body due to sheer power. But he refused to look back, he ran, ran until his feet gave out and body stopped burning as bright. That would be the last time he saw her, he thought, but the memories were worth every second of it. Looking at him, you could see the fire within his body burn thinking about her. It filled him with determination. After the quick rest, he did not stop - it would make everything worthless. Apocana reclaimed his homeland, his family, and the trust of his townfolk by controlling his fire. Now all he was missing..was her.

Sexuality: Bi

What are you looking for in a mate?: Temp. His permanent mate is Nix, who has not been made yet, so I'm letting him breed this season till he finds her again. He is picky due to his backstory, has trust issues.

Personality: Reserved

Bio: You can view his story here: 
