Paloma Kennarie



7 years, 5 months ago


male / 29 (supposedly) / head nurse

"Nurse of the month? Again? Oh, you shouldn't have."


     The turnover rate for new nurses at MISC is inconveniently high. But there's one veteran that all the others can turn to: Head Nurse Kennarie. He may be a bit young for the position, but few would argue against him. Seniority, after all, is dictated at MISC not by time, but by experience--and Paloma has done everything and then some.
     Originally hailing from the bizarrely but aptly named Catplanet, Paloma was quick to flee home as soon as he was able. By his homeworld's standards he's not exactly a looker--A distinctly human appearance, with only ears, tail, eyes, and fangs by which to call him a cat, is hardly a blip on the beauty standard radar among his furrier kin. It saddled him with self consciousness and body issues all his life, and so when a spot opened up for MISC's nurse training program, he pounced at the chance to leave Catplanet behind. From there, with little to no desire to take time off and return home, he was able to throw himself completely into the program and excel at the top of his class. It's been a nonstop career ever since, tackling the strangest ailments the universe has to offer with his characteristic straight face and seemingly effortless skill.
     In what little free time he does enjoy, he usually retreats to his tiny on-premises quarters, all pastel pinks and plush stuffed animals. He makes up for the long hours by dabbling with patients as well when given a chance, lounging around and trading gossip; curling up in cabinets for a stolen catnap; or pestering his patient-turned-doctor boyfriend on the clock.

     - Due to his catlike species, Paloma has exceptional balance and reflexes, as well as sharper senses than many other types. He also will fall for laser pointers, birds outside the window, and catnip .... laser pointers have been banned from hospital meetings after the Powerpoint Incident.
     - Paloma's job is physically demanding on a normal day, but can get much harder when dealing with unruly patients or wild situations. He makes a point of keeping fit, both for his own health and for being ready for anything, and has distinct muscle.

     - In light of the difficulties of hiring (and keeping) nurses in the unusual environment of MISC, it was decided that automation was in order--and what better way than to use the knowledge of their best nurse? While traditional nurses are still a part of the hospital ecosystem, the halls are now also walked by Catnurse Drones, or CNDs for short. These are essentially basic clones of Paloma, resembling him but with all-white fur. They lack personality mostly, replaced with a decidedly un-Paloma-like sweetness in their bedside manner, but it's unclear exactly how self-aware they are. Paloma himself doesn't much care for them, and absolutely resents being mistaken for one, but they seem to mimic him whenever he gets into something new .... you cut that out!!
     - Once as professionally dressed as the rest of the hospital staff, Paloma's uniform nowadays is a bit .... unique. This can be traced back to meeting a young human patient many years ago, self-described as an 'otaku', who kept calling him a catboy and comparing him to human anime. Paloma was happy to be rid of him--but after some research decided that this counted as being called attractive, something he hadn't experienced, and fixated on it. While not really interested in the mannerisms of these 'animes', his new mode of dress is, uh, striking, and he still keeps cutesy anime catboys as his phone wallpaper for inspiration.

HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: light
PHYSIQUE: strong

> loves scratches behind
    his ears.
> collects stuffed toys.
> very protective of his
    bedroom. few have been
    allowed inside.
> refuses to talk about work
    during his free time.
> never wears graphic tees. ever.

MISC stands for Medical
Institute for Supernatural Cures,