🌺Shadow Lily🌺's Comments

Hello there! I saw the folder name said not to offer, but might I ask if you'd maybe accept offers on this character? Apologies if not ;u;

Yeah you shouldn’t offer on characters when then the folder is clearly marked “don’t offer” 


Since I don’t really care for this character I’ll let you offer.

For future reference though, the warning is there for a reason. I know plenty of people who really don’t appreciate it when their rules aren’t followed. 

My apologies, your username is similar to another person's that once asked to offer on mains, and I thought it'd be aight to ask ;u;

No worries though, sorry about that

It’s okay. 

You can offer on them this time, like I said in my previous comment, cause I actually don’t like them too much. 

I would really only be interested in other HQ oc’s, CS, or art

AA sorry for the late response,  but caught up-

I can offer art and maybe somebody from Radio-Radar if anybody interests you- but I can also look around for my CS I have in my main account 

I’d be interested in looking  at some CS 

2 Replies