
4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Joan

Age: 16

Pronouns: she/her

Occupation: dumpster diver, teenage headache!

Wishing Orb Wish: wants to be the baddest and coolest teen there is


Honestly? Joan's entire story is this: she was rescued by a bandage bandit as a kid and since then she always looked up to them. The Bandage Bandits are just dumb teens who all think they're better than everyone in the world and do whatever they want. They steal, cheat, and vandalize and Joan thinks they're the coolest, so she wants to be just like them. She asks to join them, but they tell her she's not bad enough to join them. Right after her rejection, Joan is angry, and accidentally meets Art and Light. Right then she gets the idea that maybe if the bandage bandits saw her being mean to two elderly men they would let her join. Buuuut it doesn't go as planned. Joan is so embarrassed that her prank didn't work on them, so she follows Light and Art on their journey to continue trying to prank them.

Soon she learns about the Wishing Orb from the old grandpas and makes up her mind that she'll wish the be the baddest teenager so that even the Bandage Bandits would make her their new leader. And that's how Joan joins Art and Light on their journey.


Oh, Joan, Joan, Joan.......she's just a gremlin. She will not listen to anyone, will do nothing for anyone, and she will brag to you that she owes the Bandage Bandits her life. She has a hard time getting help from anyone because she thinks it's proves that she's weak. And she is not weak. If she is ever in a vulnerable situation, she will yell her way out of it and never talk about it again. Sure, she's a menace, but she's gone her entire life without help and always on her own. There's nothing else she knows but to be a demonic rascal to survive in the world. Meeting Art and Light makes her question a lot of her morals, but she tries her best to ignore it. If being a horrible and mean person is what gets her in to be a bandage bandit, then she'll do it.