Parth Misra (A) (Parth Misra (B))



7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info






cisgender man



Significant Other



Viola (child/universal constant), Tomino (child/creation)


Scientist (genetic)


Multiverse theory dictates that there are infinite universes exactly like ours. Every universe contains a change; from the tiniest detail to the biggest mistakes. If you can imagine it, it exists somewhere... This affects some of us more than others.
 Parth Misra is the entire gauntlet of human morality explored in a single man. There's a Parth that's a saint and one who's an absolute monster, of course, but those two aren't very interesting. Our stories revolve around the Parths that occupy the space in-between. They do their best... for better or worse.

He's basically the same person in every universe, but this isn't about nature vs. nurture. This is about choices.

Some constants:

  • Parth is always brilliant in some form. His intelligence type varies.
  • No matter how humble his beginnings, he will find a way to the top. The people he crushes to get there varies.
  • He always has a daughter. She's always beautiful and innocent. She always dies.
  • (she doesn't always stay dead.)
  • (this won't be the story you think it will be)


  This was a Parth with vast ambitions. He wanted to cure diseases. He wanted to create marvels. He wanted catapult the species to new and exciting heights! All very admirable. All very idealistic. He was a little awkward, a little nerdy, with a little too much potential and not enough backbone. He was a pacifist, but lacked the righteousness to fight for his ideals. 

  After university and the crushing debt that followed? It was too easy to get him into a government lab. He needed the money. It was a good opportunity. You've heard this all before. No backbone to fight, so he didn't.

  The lab was a collection of everything unexplained in their world. Strange monsters, spacial anomalies, and even civilians with devastating powers. The unexplained and those trying to explain them. His chosen field, genetics, would help them unlock these mysteries. No matter how painful for their subjects that might be.

  The lab subjected Parth to horrors. He became a horror to his test subjects. He buried his ambitions under guilt and brutal, bloody work. Viola, his daughter, was the light of his life. She kept him sane after his wife, her mother, had died. He could almost convince himself he was doing it to protect her. He told himself that these were dangerous creatures and that he was learning how to stop them.

  It almost worked too, until she died. Illness; the most mundane way for a Viola to go. Parth descended into sickness himself. Good, he thought, let him join her.

  That almost worked too, until he found out about the multiverse. A theory, some would say, but he'd seen it. He had subjects who'd flickered between worlds, that he'd ran tests on, that he kept in comas so they couldn't escape. How could he have been so blind?

  Parth had some splicing to do. He just wanted his daughter safe.
