
Bubbling Torrent

The sea storm cat

Full Name:  Bubbling Torrent
Nickmames:  Storm, Tor (no one calls him 'bubbles' and lives but his sisters) 
Feathered Cat /Nature Spirit Fairy Cat / House Cat Rainbow Sky Cat / Icecream Cat / Dragon Cat / Fire Cat / Seaweed Mercat/ Flower Cat 
Role:Storm Lord


 Bubbling Torrent better known as 'Storm' is a strong willed, brave and bold sky feline with deep sea connections.  He doesn't need wings when he bounds atop clouds and rides the sea waves, he wants to learn how to master lighting but needs to find someone to help him. Right now he just admires storms and enjoys riding them. 

He can make it rain and travels on his own little cloud around the sea and beaches. He is never far from water. 

Size:Large for a small cat
Fur Type:
   The blue and black parts are smooth and thin, aquatic waterproof fur, the white parts are soft downy feather like fur, as soft as clouds
Tail:     Long and bushy tuff like at the tip - like a lion almost 
Pelt:   His markings swirl and change with the storm and weather around him, the white clouds also move. His pelt is like a stormy sky never the same for long.

Fully Aquatic:   Bubbling Torrent is fully aquatic, despite not looking as 'fishy' as his littermates. He can breath in any kind of water and adapts back to the surface after staying on land for a short period. He does best in wet cold air above the sea.
Sky Master:      He is one with the night  sky above the sea and can walk on clouds and bring rain. 

Created :  8/20/20  as a breeding result. Belonged to Nahemii, then Biological-Solutions.Bjoern x Kelp
Obtained:   4/15/21 from Biological-Solutions 
Art Vaule: 0.00
