Edible Meat Mannequins



4 years, 1 month ago


Product Description
With all the safety and legal issues around eating other people and digesting them, we at [Company] have figured out a safe, affordable and effective way to simulate the primal feelings of having your food be as large as a person and entirely at your gut's mercy. Our speciality line of Meat Mannequins are highly customizable for the individual's required needs, tastes and personal preferences to the shape of our sizeable slabs of meat themselves.

Notice; After numerous accusations, we have to legally specify here that all meat is farmed sustainably from a large number of local farms and is thoroughly checked to be completely clear of any diseases, illnesses or meat from sentient species.

Product Information
-Made entirely of meats such as Poultry, Pork, Seafood, Red Meats and basically anything else.
--Vegan and Vegetarian substitutes do exist, though they are slightly more expensive as the imitation meat has to be modelled to fit.
-All of the meats are tied up together to keep shape using digestible threading. However, you can order ones which have bones inside of them, however, this isn't always recommended despite it being a bit cheaper.
-Various meats are used to show characteristics as well. For example, a line of linked sausage for a thin tail.
-Meats are ready-to-eat when you get them, but can be cooked if preferred.
-There are multiple versions of each one, involving different heights, body shapes and meats. Custom orders are the best call if you want to go into specifics.
--The smallest options (Such as 'Mouse') have to be bought in bulk as it'd be too expensive to ship in small amounts. (You can see which sizes that are bulk-only as they are tagged 'Tiny')
--The largest option is 'Elephant', which is VERY expensive in general and requires assembly by the buyer (The rope needed is provided).
-The company is aware of people using a number of methods such as magic to make their objects move around more realistically or for a number of games, and they are more then happy that people are doing this, even supporting competitions relating to this manner.

List of Meat Mannequin Designs/Shapes

-Basic Humanoids
-Winged Humanoids
-Nekomimi and Kemonomimi (And further variants)
-Centaurs and Similar
-And whatever else (Note; these might be more expensive, depending on your pick/choice(s))
-Slimes (Note; these come with density and viscosity variable settings, using a seaweed-based material to ensure the shape is kept.)
-Plant People (Note; This option will link to several books about how to fashion this requested subject, as they unfortunately do not sell meat.)
-Other (Note; Cost might increase dramatically.)

Popular options and Listings 

[Name] | [Animal Shape] | [Body Shape] | [Focused Meat(s)] | [Size] ([Rough Height])
-Porking Out | Porcine | Round and Fattened | Pork, Bacon and Sausages | Short Humanoid (4'11")
-A Kobold Choice | Reptile | Bottom Heavy | Poultry | Midget (3'4")
-Small Nibbles, Lots of Bites | Rodent | Short and Thin | Beef | Mouse (6")
-Gelatinous Cube | Slime | Square | Slime-Substitute, hints of lemon and lime, optional bones | Humanoid (5')