Peach's Comments

Aaaa I super love her design~! I'm working on a series of worlds that my characters live in, so that can interact and things like that. I'm working on the human-y world right now, but I don't have enough characters to really fill it out and make it what it needs to be to support everyone's lore.

My character Dimitri has a similar design theme as Peach. I wanted to find him a clique-centric friend group. I feel like peach would be a sweet, confidant side to Dimi's more reserved and quiet demeanor. i kinda see it happening where Dimitri sees someone new and wants to talk to them, but is too shy to talk, and then Peach comes up to the person and is like 'Hey, this guy wants to talk to you. ' and points him out while he frantically tries to hide himself. I feel like she'd be super strict with him almost to the point of being scary, but them be a sweet little angel to everyone else. Totally bipolar about it. She seems like a scholarly tipe, like she'd be good at school, even though she didn't want that to effect how people saw her. She does like to fade into the background, so being called out for her exxelent grades is not something she wants to happen. She's helped out every one of her friends with a subject, at least, and both learning at teaching just feel natural to her. I feel like she's a theater nut, too. She'd go to club afterschool, even if somebody was dying. It was one of the most important things for her. She'd drop everything else, even not coming home in time for dinner, to rehearse. WIth her love of theater, came her love of music. She'd never, ever sing infromt of anyone but Dimitri (and that only happened onece), but that didn't stop her from practicing along to every song she new. She had a great voice, though she kept it to herself. It became a calming exercize and stress releiver, so if she ever feels on edge, a little tune and it calms her down. When she does get angry, it's best for your own safety, you leave her alone. She explodes if she isn't givin the time and space she needs.

I wanted to write more, but I have to go right now! I don't have time to edit, but I'll come back later and do it. Thank you so much for the opportunity to get this girl!