ES /T /$100 (Commercial Use)



4 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade



5' 0"
[ Personal ]


+ . P E R S O N A L I T Y . +

ES is an immensely sincere and empathetic being. She is very gentle and has a high elegance about the way she carries herself. She can be extremely fragile with her emotions and tends to be very bad at hiding her feelings. She is the type of individual who prefers a peaceful approach to confrontations. As such, she never learned to properly defend herself. She heavily relies on her personal guards to protect her. This has caused her to develop an aggressive dependency on others for safety. She loathes being alone and needs at least one other person with her at all times to feel safe. It is no surprise that she is incredibly forgiving even towards her enemies. She has an unusually hard time holding on to grudges.

When talking to her for a short while, one will easily discover she is an academic. She has a deep admiration and respect for different cultures across the universe and is always seeking to learn about new ones. She has learned nearly several thousands of languages without the aid of technological implants. Back on her home planet, Paerilia (18A), she keeps a personal aquatic archive of all the places she has ever visited. Some regard her archives to be comparable to that of Earth's very own Vatican.

Despite her scholarly ways, the alien can still find herself lacking in common sense at times. She's incredibly naive to the point where her trust is often abused. She can be very easily influenced by political parties who are adept in manipulation. She tries to pick the best decisions for her people and herself but often relies on counsel. It is nearly impossible for a commoner to tell she has such a glaring flaw. Whenever she is in the face of the public she is very calm, mature, and confident in her choices and wording.

+ . U V I . +

Uvi's are an aquatic humanoid race originating from Paerilia (18A), a water planet located somewhere in deep space. They are known for their strange adaptability to walk on land yet simultaneously breathe underwater. Their skin is extremely smooth and slippery and has a soft opalescent shimmery property to it due to the micro scales embedded throughout their flesh. They only seem to be able to grow hair on their heads and eyebrows. It is exceptionally rare that hair growth frequents any other area but it is not impossible. Their hair is vastly different from that of humans. It has a very silky and lightweight feel to it as if it was in a perpetual state of moisture.

Uvi's have the unique gift of being able to shift between a mermaid-like form or that of a humanoid. Their tails are not always in the shape of a traditional mermaid. They can choose to replicate the tail of any ocean life such as shrimps, eels, jellyfish, squids, octopus, and much more. Like some fishes, Uvi's can change their sex freely. Uvi's naturally have the ability to bend and control water. Warriors specialize in a mix of traditional fighting which seamlessly blends with their oceanic powers. Not all Uvi's have the skill needed to master the artistry of water bending. Those who can, however, have a high place in their society. They are usually commanders of militaries or monks who live deep below the sea's tides.

Uvi's who choose to remain on Paerilia (18A) follow a royal hierarchy. There is only one single royal ruler of the entire planet which is incredibly hard to believe. It is solely the fact that by nature Uvi's are regarded as one of the most peaceful known races in the universe. Even within in their system no known rebellion to those in power have ever been recorded. The rulers of the planet reign for centuries as Uvi's do not age in a conventional sense. They are like jellyfish and live through an ebb and flow period through out their lifetime. Uvi's have an incredibly hard time reproducing which is a core issue with their low population. Many times their eggs do not hatch with life and are fed to other creatures in the sea. Every Uvi birth is recorded in the Royal Archives, currently owned by ES.

The fins which adorne their face and necks are used to help them swim quickly. They can be slippery to the touch and one would find quickly that most Uvi's do not like their fins to be stroked. Fins do not grow exclusively on the sides of their face and can appear on various other places. Most noteably their arms, backs, thighs, calfs, and ankles.

+ . T R I V I A . +

🚀 👽 .+) She despises the cold.

🚀 👽 .+) Extreme heat can kill her.

🚀 👽 .+) She can talk to any aquatic being telepathically.

🚀 👽 .+) Her hair looks suspiciously like a whale that's shooting water from its blowhole...

🚀 👽 .+) On the note of her hair, it seems to defy gravity as it is always floating.

🚀 👽 .+) Her name cannot be pronounced without gills, ES is a very rough translation. She often goes by Fish or Fishie to those who can not say her name.

🚀 👽 .+) You have to be close to her in order to call her by her name(s) since, she should be addressed by her title naturally (Highness, Majesty, Empress).

🚀 👽 .+) She doesn't always wear the headpiece. It's more of a official or ceremonial piece to wear rather than something casual.

🚀 👽 .+) She's able to breathe underwater and can stay out of water for extended periods of time.

🚀 👽 .+) She's not a mermaid, but, she can become one. She prefers humanoid legs though and is almost never in mermaid form unless she needs to be.

🚀 👽 .+) Es possesses a novice level of bubble magic. She can create air bubbles or water bubbles with moisture in the air (EVEN THE AIR BUBBLES NEED MOISTURE). It can be lethal but she's not able to use it lethally since she doesn't practice it enough. She can maybe put a bubble of air or water around someone's head but only for a couple of seconds before it pops... Kind of useless for now.

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