Bark bark's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

PlushieMunchie Global Rules
You are allowed to alter the design as you wish, as long as credit for the original design goes to me. Please read all of this if you are trying to resell a design I made

You may resell any characters you get that are made by me, unless there are species rules to the character. Then you must follow the species rules, my ToS does not override any closed or open species rules.

If reselling you may not sell the character for more than what you paid for originally, unless it has extra art, commissioned or done by yourself, and you cannot over price the character. Gift art doesn't count towards price unless you ask the person who gifted the art.
  • Do not put prices on art you got for free or got in trades, unless the artist allows you to do so.If you want to put a price on the art you got in a trade or for free, ask the person who drew the piece.
  • Example of whats not allowed : selling one of the adopts I gave out for free, for $10 with no extra art or writing.
  • Example of whats allowed : selling one of the characters I've made when it has extra art, maybe a piece or two by yourself, for $7-10. Or perhaps you commissioned art from someone, you can add that price to what you paid for, for the character.
  • Writing and backstory/work/lore/etc on the character can be added to price, if made by yourself or commissioned. You can add the price you paid of the work on the character. If you received any writing or work on the character for free, ask the person who did the work if you can put a price on it.

I never thought I'd have a blacklist,but here we go! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are my freebies or designs allowed to go into the hands of the users stated below, unless they talk to me! The users stated are allowed to ask why in private.
