


4 years, 3 months ago


Designation: Willow

Nickname(s): [ N/A ]

Gender: Female

Age: Behaves like a teenager or young adult

Height: 5 feet 4 inches.

Occupation: [ N/A ]

What a melancholy girl… Despite her perpetual sadness, she cares a lot about you.

  • Armor: Standard Ceranium armor. Most of her body seems to be covered in a skin-like material, perhaps silicone.
  • Arms/Hands: Don’t appear to be very strong. The arms sticking out from her waist can move and pick up things, too.
  • Legs: Standard plantigrade legs, designed to look barefooted.
  • Eyes: White sclera, blue eyes. Always look watery when open, not unusual to see tears on her face.
  • Hair: Long and white; straight.
  • Skin: Striped, with faded light blue and a muted blue-green.
  • Voice: Soft and light, gets hoarse easily.


  • Misery Loves Company: Anyone in her company becomes more prone to crying/producing tears and/or becoming sad. Effect is strengthened if she is near or in a body of water.
  • Touch-Starved/Stress Relief: Hugging her and crying tends to feel very cathartic to the people it affects, mostly people who are genuinely sad or stressed. She’s also affectionate and craves touch quite a bit, often reaching out to others to gently stroke them or to hug.
  • Pacifistic: In most circumstances, she will not retaliate or run away if she is hurt. However, this causes her to produce tears and start sobbing, which strengthens the Misery Loves Company ability she has on others in her vicinity.

Cloned from: Iris (MMX4)