Bolt's Comments

I can offer art^^

I’m interested, how much art are you willing to do?

1 shaded full, and a headshot


Hey, just wanted to see if you are still interested in this character?

Seeing as it’s been so long, I want to check one last time if you’re still interested or not before I put them back up for sale

2 Replies

I'm assuming by the character's name that you are looking for art?

I'd be willing to draw for this guy if you like my art. My DA is the best place for examples

Oh my gosh, I'm such a fan or your art style. That's so cute, what's your offer :0c

Seeing as he has two fullbodies, I could do that?

Yea! That's perfect!
could you draw these bois?
tysm!! I'll put this dude in Pending!

Yeah I can draw them! I'm busy today and home is starting again but I will draw as soon as I have free time!
Also with Mystery, are they the centipede, blue character, or is it both of them (like one of those living tail OCs or something). Both of them are in all the images so I thought I'd ask to be sure

No worries! I can hold them for you ^^

With Mystery it's both of them, is that okay? :0c

9 Replies