Elliot ✦



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




Cat; Sphynx






Like 5'10 ft.


Like 108 lbs.


Music, sweaters, warm baths


Winter, wearing clothes that show skin




Info is a WIP (He has a total of 7 diamond marks on him, but he's not gonna be showing where the 7th one is ;^) )


Elliot is a sphynx cat who's worn long sleeved things his whole life because he's insecure about his wrinkly/fleshy skin and skinny body. He just wants some love and support from anyone who isn't his parents. In school when he was younger, Elliot was sometimes teased, being called names like "old kid" or "hairless rat".

Surviving in the Big World

After graduating high school Elliot wasn't quite sure what he wanted to do with his life, he had been more focused on getting out of school to avoid other people finally. He preferred to spend time alone in his room while at home, too afraid to go out into the big world.

One day during the summer, Elliot's mom gave him some spending money and kicked him out for the day to try and go live life a little. Having no choice he decided to head to the local park and relax in a tree or something. When he got there, he noticed an abundance of people enjoying the day. Which made Elliot anxious. So he quickly bought an ice cream from the passing vendor and climbed into the shadiest tree her could find.

While enjoying his ice cream, Elliot noticed a purple cat coming to the tree, as if she was trying to hide from someone. Then a male dog who had been following the cat found her, tryingto persuade her for a date. But the cat grew annoyed and rejected his offer, insisting he leave her alone, but the dog persisted. Elliot then used his cat reflexes to throw his ice cream at the back the dog's head while in the tree to make him believe someone from afar did it. The angry dog retreated to find his attacker and clean himself up. When he was gone Elliot came down the tree to ask the cat if she was ok, and introduced himself. The other thanked him and introduced herself as Taffy.

 Taffy explained to Elliot of the dog's annoying and constant futile romantic/lustful pursuit for her, and how she would've been able to avoid him today if Taffy hadn't locked herself out of her own home. Elliot then quickly offers his lock picking skills to help Taffy so she wouldn't have to pay for a locksmith. She accepts and the two head to her place, talking a little about each other on the way. Once they reached Taffy's home, Elliot manages to easily pick the lock with his claws. She invites Elliot inside for some ice cream in her freezer to make up for the one he lost as thanks for helping her twice in one day, but he was too bashful, saying he needed to head home as an excuse. Taffy insists they hang out sometime, and they exchanged phone numbers. She then thanks Elliot for everything again, and gives him a big hug before she goes into her home.

A flustered, yet happy, Elliot makes his way home. Ecstatic over making a new friend who liked him despite his appearance.