Arsela Villion



4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Name ||

Arsela Villion

Nickname(s) ||

Arsy, Youya

Age ||

16 [01.01.1959]

Grade & Club ||

1-B || Literature

Gender & Pronouns ||


Sexuality ||


Status ||

Dating [Nerine Sarniensis]

Occupation ||

Student | Dancer

Species & Noryoku ||

Human || Ice creation (Genso GM)


I don't remember asking for your opinion

  • Arsela comes from a wealthy family, her father is a businessman and her mother is a famous
    ballet dancer, as well as a teacher. Her mother is strict so Arsela has never gotten much affection
    from her and her father isn't home often.
  • She started Ballet Classes when she was 5 years old and at the age of 6, she started playing the
    Violin. Her mother always expects the best of her and puts a lot of pressure on her because of
    this. Only her father has tried to be closer to her, which she appreciates.
  • When she was younger she went to a Private Elementary School where she didn't talk to anyone
    and instead kept to herself. When she was accepted into Redwood Academy she acted cold towards
    everyone at first but came to the decision to change herself.
  • She was born with one blind eye, it's unsure what caused this.
  • She developed a crush on Nerine almost immediately after she met her but because she never had been
    in love before she didn't know what to do. She acted coldly towards Nerine at first but from time to time
    her Heart, beats a little too fast and her Cold Hearted Act falls apart.
  • Her very first Friend was Elizabeth Haruse, they met at Violin Classes and lost sight of each other during their
    Elementary School years. Thankfully, they met again when Arsela switched schools.
  • She's generally very confident, straight forward, and not afraid to show off to others. Sometimes her Cold side falls
    apart though and she finds herself lost without any idea of what to do next. She's not a very social person and doesn't
    quite understand how to socialize in a way that would help her make friends. At least she doesn't give up.
  • She enjoys classical music, food with blueberries, and pretty eyepatches.
  • She is often encouraged to act out of her usual by Kaoru and Kanon, which tends to annoy her. But in the end, she can
    see that they care and want to help her.
  • For her 13th Birthday, her Father bought her a Friesian horse that she named Blueberry
  • She is the one who asked Nerine out, a big accomplishment for her.