
Gender: Female

Age: ???

Birthday: 24th

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Yellow/Gold

Tail Color: Blue

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Genie Type: Modern

Loves: Flying, making magic, trying foreign fruits

Hates: Masters who are assholes, sand and winter storms

  Gamila is one of the first people to be affected by Samiya, effectively making her a guinea pig for testing. Her memory is fuzzy but she remembers her family being a travel...merchant, or just moving. Until they were ambushed…. Or was it they didn’t see a steep hill. Either way, her family and her belongings we lost in the sands, as she was now alone in the desert.

  Samiya saw her, crawling to any destination, making Samiya think of an idea for her. Samiya at the time saw this as showing mercy to her, giving her the “new”(at the time) drink, turning her into a genie and trapping her into the vessel. Samiya got the shop idea from this, hoping to sell Gamila to a kind master.

  Gamila, however, slowly forgot her past and fully embraced being a wish-giver to her master as soon as the bottle is rubbed. Through the “kindness” that Gamila was given, birth how Samiya would spread her hatred and her experience towards others.