Asuka Kazama



Gender: Female

Age: 20s (at least in looks)

Birthday: June 27th

Height: 5' 8"

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color:  LED Blue

Sexual Preference: None

Job: City Protector

Loves: Rain, Festivals, Winning Strength Competitions

Hates: Dust Storms, Hordes of Enemies, Hackers

   Asuka was a woman born in the 24th century, born in a small town that was slowly having advanced technology integrated into it. She was known as the fastest runner while also being quite fond of the rain. She wanted to go to college but wasn't really able to do so because of low income so she went into her Nation's defense forces originally to try to get enough money to go to college but as the years went on she ended up really gravitating towards this feeling of "a code of chivalry," protecting the weak and making sure they're safe; something that she wasn't able to really do while in school.

   However, she ended up gravely injured one day after a terrorist attacked where she was stationed, losing most of the function in her limbs and bleeding heavily. Carried into the infirmary, she tries to look at her now broken body in horror and depression. However, she and her family was given an option: She could have her body rebuilt with her mind intact, or to remain like this; but also warned that it may not end up going 100% due to it being the infancy of this project. However, she quickly agreed but her parents told her give sometime to think, but even after the next day she was determined to go through with it no matter the risk or the cost, as she already lost more than she fells comfortable with.

   Months after months of constant tweeking and fixing to reach that 100% successful surgery and transfer. As she was soon shown off to the world as a human reborn as a soldier. She did stumble a bit trying to get use to her new body as people looked at her new look for the first time, but after the press conference she decided to take a few more weeks to months to work out the kinks of moving and speaking before walking around the world in her body for the first time. It wasn't long though, as she soon is put into the world as the first human-to-android and one used to help keep peace around the city, the same city where she was fixed. 

  There are times where she has a hard time dealing and coping with her more mechanical changes, and when that happens she usually goes to see her family and friends for some mental support. But she knows what to do, what she has to do: to live by the code that wanted her to do more and to protect others, as she does all she can to stop evil in it's place.

Old Bio:

Official Name/How to spell it better: Aiansurēbu

Original Name: ???

Gender: Female

Age: ???

Hair color: Blonde(?)

Eye color: Blue(?)

Sexual Preference: ???

Loves: ???

Hates: ???

   Aiansurēbu use to be human, but one without a home and living on the streets with no family, similar to other children in the futuristic city of Oasiseu, Africa (the place is somewhere in the 22nd-23rd century). She was weak, cold from the water from the artifical rain pouring down, & had these ratty clothes on her. But, like most children had to at that time, she could run fast, find easy escape routes, and hold herself in these fights. One day, at the age of 7, she was taken off the streets, thrown into an armored van, and was never seen on the streets again.

    2 things that could end up happening entered her mind:

    A. She was getting taken to a Private Military Group to be trained and to live there. But the base will probably be warm and the food will be free, so as long as she could preform her best, she would be fine.

    B. She would be experamented on. Rumors say that it's done to make humans more compatable to the enviorments they are now in, or find a way t produce better humans

    None of those is what actually happened to her. She was actually taken to a facility where assassins usually stay. Once there she was taken directing to a opperating room while she was still concious. With nothing to relieve the pain, they started opperating on her, as she was screaming bloody murder and trying to escape. She was soon locked in a holding cell, were day after day, they kept opperating and placing metal armor all over her. Soon all people could see was the metal armor around her, there were also some mechanical replacements added to her body. Since she was the first to be a success, she was dubbed Aiansurēbu.

    Since then, she was always given orders and followed them with no questions.. because she couldn't if she tried. She "required" no food, water, just an area to charge. She is often going between the present and her present in order to complete assignments (despite that Time Travel is illegal). Sometimes, she jolts around violently in her sleepy/when charging. She has a arm cannon, lie detector, x-ray, and bullet & laser proof armor. The time her human emotions usually show is when she's not controlled &/or when an active drill grinds against her metal, she's usually then suffering a PTSD attack.