


4 years, 2 months ago



Wick is an undead canine of indeterminate species. From a very young age, he had a silver tongue and considerable skill in manipulating and tricking people. During his very early life, he betrayed his brother, resulting in his death. (specify) During his brother's last moments, terror and anguish drove him to curse Wick - calling for him to lose all power of speech, that not only he would endure the same suffering, but could no longer use his words to deceive and hurt people. This manifested in his lifelong affliction -  when injured, rather than bleeding, vines grow out of the laceration or wound and wrap around his limbs, eventually cutting off circulation. To instate the curse, a rock crumbled under his paws as he climbed out of the gorge where his brother lay, sending him tumbling down to the rocky ground and breaking his jaw. The month after his brother's death, his broken jaw was wrapped tightly shut by vines that grew out of his throat and around his muzzle, and he lost all ability to speak. 


He lives as a wanderer and never settles for long. He lives a lonely and tiring life roaming the land. He can only ingest food by lapping liquid - usually blood - and lives meal to meal on whatever he can scavenge. He has a fondness for alcohol - whiskey & dessert wines (when he can get them) as well as milk. He's only had former two about 3 times in his life, however. 


Wick can't communicate verbally due to his vine lashed mouth, and snarls, growls, and grinds his teeth habitually. Due to the vines in his throat, he has raspy, ragged breathing. He can only stick his tongue out and drools near constantly. He can only ingest food by lapping liquid, most often blood, from whatever meat he can scavenge. 


Wick is in a near-constant state of lethargy. He's grumpy, tired, and rather morose looking most of the time, with sparks of occasional mania and lunacy.

🕯️Physical Build:🕯️

Extremely thin and emaciated, his ribs always showing through his fur. His fur and hair are almost always scruffy and unkempt, occasionally matted with dirt and mud, and his eyes hollow with pronounced dark circles. 

🕯️Assorted Fun-Facts:🕯️

- once ate a teabag for attention