
4 years, 2 months ago


Full name: Katherine Vert Iris

Age: 25

Background info (will expand later):

- Orphan (abandoned at birth)

- Named herself after her gem, as most parent-less gems do. Unlike Lapis, Kat decided to put some actual effort into her name (Katherine = Cat, Vert = Green, Iris = Eye; Katherine Vert Iris = Green Cat's Eye)

- Used to work as a mercenary; Opened a pawn shop after losing her left eye while hunting.

- Is mates with Zheng, Alice, and Yuki

- Found a newborn Lapis abandoned in an alley when she was 6 and decided on a whim to take her in and raise her. Considers Lapis her younger sister. (will expand on their relationship later)



- Chaotic Neutral 

- Enjoys teasing people to see their reactions. Never crosses the line with her actions, but likes to dance precariously around it.

- Has a very dry sense of humor and always has a comeback prepared. 

- Doesn't have much talent in terms of her fire ability, but is physically an absolute unit. Even Lapis is a little scared of her (although she would never admit it).

- Prefers wearing very revealing clothing, but is willing to wear pretty much anything that may interest her.

- Although she has little to no shame, she does have a rarely seen cute side that only comes out when she with her significant others


- Sweets

- Fist Fights

- Anything Unpredictable

- Children


- Spicy Food

- Boring stuff

- Not having a comeback

- Bad Jokes


- Martial Arts (general)

- Antagonizing people

- Collecting rare/exotic items


- Gemstone: Green cat's eye (Common)
- Ears: Elf (Common)
- Horns: Long (Uncommon)
- Eyes: Slit (Common)
- Teeth: Vampire (Uncommon)
- Wings: None (Common)
- Tail: Wolf (Uncommon)
- Legs: Canine (Common)
- Ability: Fire (Common)
- Mutation: None

Gemmismae is a subspecies of Gemmadites, a closed species created by yuko-san