


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Zero
Species: Dog
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Status: Single
Role: Pumpkin patch worker in fall, sheep herder otherwise
D.o.B. September 22nd
Orientation: Straight
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Element: Air
Alignment: Chaotic
Owner: Rebel
Designer: Deers







  • Autumn, the cat
  • Autumn, the season
  • Pumpkins
  • Supernatural
  • Bullies

But these are the days we dream of, where the sunlight paints us gold.


Zero was born and raised on a farm where the dogs job was to herd sheep, protect the flock, and basically be serious a lot of the time. His litter was born out of a need for a new working dog, and the idea that their parents would make the ideal pup. While Zero had the drive, energy and intelligence to do as he was asked; he had no want to be serious all the time and so was not chosen to be the next worker. Alongside several of his siblings, Zero was placed for adoption. They lived their first 8 weeks of life in a barn stall with hay littering the floor. Their mother was in and out often after their 5th week of life and the pups began understanding they would soon go on to find new homes if they weren't the "chosen one".

Zero accepted the idea of not being a working dog, and not staying on the farm. But, when the plague hit and people were gone for good? Well, Zero was unsure how to function in this new world. He had always loved children, and most adults as well; and no longer having them was hard for him. So, that's when he chose to travel. Traveling got his mind off of those lost due to the plague that took only human kind. He learned new things, met new species, and evolved in more ways than one.

His happy-go-lucky demeanor returned, and his joyous outlook on life with it. When Zero found Autumn and took her in, he realized he may need to find somewhere to settle to give the sickly kitten the best chance at life. When he waltzed into Cobalt one fateful day and realized that he could still learn so much, and even have the chance to journey again, he couldn't pass it up. So, he moved into Velux with Autumn.

Zero spends his days making friends, finding new things to learn about, and just overall enjoying the life he has been given.e.


Zero is outgoing, excitable and easy to engage. He finds most things fascinating, and is always willing to give others the chance to show him their passions. He is a dreamer, and believes in kindness above all else. Loyal to a fault, Zero probably gives to many chances; and rarely will ever officially cut someone off. That said, he is very good at keeping his emotions in check and controlling himself when in stressful, upsetting situations. He has a deep outlook on life, one that he tends to keep to himself.

Where Zero is described as "puppy-like" by his friends, alone he is much more adult and mature. He tends to think about the unthinkable, both things that are enjoyable and darker topics. Zero hates being alone because that is when the dark ideas creep in. For Zero, being treated as a puppy is a natural way of his life and he accepts it.

Zero, despite knowing others think he's immature, is always the first to start a conversation in new environments. He enjoys social events, though he enjoys books and being in quiet places just as much.

  • Females make him nervous.
  • Life of the party, unless embarrassed.
  • His biggest goal in life is to visit every pumpkin patch in the world.
  • He got his anti-possession charm after watching Supernatural. While he doesn't allow himself to be scared of the evil things, he did want it "just in case". Sometimes, if he's leaving and Autumn is staying behind, he will make her keep it because he doesn't want anything to happen to her.

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Lsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum.orem ip


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum.

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