


4 years, 2 months ago


look fear in the face, and smile


NameErdvir Laun

Age26 human years


ClassFighter, lv 1


AlignmentChaotic good

STR: 16 (+3) DEX: 11 (+0) CON: 15 (+2) INT: 9 (-1) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 14 (+2)


clear speech
warmth, fire
pointless rules
Erd is a being of endeavour towards everything good, but not always a being of success therein. He's effortlessly kind and caring. Benevolence is in his nature, so he rather tries to remove himself from bad ideation rather than strive for good. Doesn't always succeed. He's quite an easy-going man without any complexity to his inner world, not the smartest, nor the most emotionally diverse. In simple terms, he isn't smart enough to conjure any philosophical thought that may sadden or anger him, so he operates on the more positive spectrum. He reacts appropriatelly to upsetting situations, of course, but for a man surrounded by and forced to be one of many who risk their lives for short-lived glory, he's understandably used to it all. That does not mean he's hardened by life. In fact, while he's a bit clueless and unobservant of the world, and may not know how to aptly react to many situations personally, he's very empathetic towards others. He's quick to share and co-experience someone's emotions, even when he doesn't understand them. It's easy for him to get swept up by and invested in people. He always tries to contribute support and maybe some of his stilted, strange humour to anyone in need, lend them strength in whichever way they need it. Erd is an extremely trusting creature with simplistic morals, famished for reason, purpose and direction, which he allows others to determine for him, always enthusiastic about pleasing. He may easily be lead astray, but a keen intuition stops him from roaming the wrong path for long. Whenever he recognizes true malice, he pulls no punches and feels little guilt. Otherwise he's a bit of a mutt looking for an unofficial master. One can hammer idea(l)s into his head if they try hard enough, so much has been proven, which can be both a good and bad thing. Erdvir does everything with a breezy confidence, for one, so it's a pro that he can be made to backtrack and rethink his actions, which he never initially thinks much of. He is who he is. That may not appeal to everyone and he rarely holds it against others. WIP


The gist of Erdvir's first impressions is this - a man of sunny complexion, with colossal size for a human. So large is Erd, in fact, standing at an even 6'7, every inch of which is decorated with considerable muscle, that rumours of secret heritage permeated his youth and left him disappointed when anticipated magical abilities, horns and tails never developed. He is no man of myth, however. Although of imposing, evenly distributed weight and bearing scars, whose multitude, paired with his occupation and age, speak of a tumultuous history, Erd is a redheaded, smiling young man as if to juxtapose himself to everything gladiatorship ought to have made him into. His hair is a soft russet, ear-length, windswept, always uncombed. A ginger stubble occasionally creeps onto his face, otherwise leaving cuts from a valiant battle with any razor wielded by Erd's careless hand. Blue-green eyes sit below an unsurprisingly russet brow and slave away under the man's emotions, smiling alongside his mouth, or frowning and drooping likewise. His skin is tan and worn, sprinkled with dark freckles, and it wears lacerations quite well. Once upon a time Erd's face was split open by the blade of an opponent and to this day it remains the most notable of his scars. Torn muscles from it and a twice broken jaw twist some of his features a little - there's assymetry to his face, a broken nose, a leftwards drooping mandibula, some awkwardness to a slightly tilted smile and loss of feeling around the large facial scar. Other wounds of interest: being struck through with a thin spear left matching indents on both sides of his upper right abdomen and robbed him of a kidney, arrows have done the same with his back around both scapulae, his hands are marred from where he's gripped weapons before they've struck more vital parts of him, once even at the expense of a few phalanges from a middle and pointer finger. There are many more injuries to tell of, including broken bones, cuts, lacerations, anything one could think up, short of amputation, he's suffered. But never without a smile right after.


Erdvir Laun was named so when gladiators found him in front of the colosseum gates at the tender age of 5 years old. On a rainy night, a grimy, soaked toddler greeted them with a bright smile and confidently wove inbetween their legs to get inside. After a long search for the boy's parents, the men came back empty-handed, but unsurprised. They would say the child chose his own home like he had never had one before, unphased by strangers. As if he had sprouted from the wet soil and began traversing the world with a grin. And so they named him amptly. Before long, it became evident why the boy had been abandoned. He had barely learned to speak at an advanced age, was very hindered in learning and, more disturbing, never cried, perhaps attributed to the few small scars he already bore. On a lighter note, perhaps it had been his parents'- or a small village's, for that matter- inability to feed him enough that made them drop him off where they did. They'd made an apt decision, everyone agreed, and Erdvir became the collective son of a small army. To this day he jokes he has too many mothers and fathers to count. Throughout the years he's grown into himself, well beyond his human peers and his many years of victory and perserverance have earned him the sung reputation of a formidable Gladiator.
He showed prowess even in his youth, excelling with appropriate build and the tutelage of many mentors who knew he would be put into the ringer soon and didn't want to see him perish early. As a toddler he would wrestle with the cubs of whatever lions the colosseum kept beyond its walls and at 10,when it was put upon him to face off a mighty lioness for the crowd, he disappointed greatly by greeting her like an old friend. They forced him to kill her later, as punishment for disobedience. The child never understood what he had done wrong, but it was his first direct meeting with death. He'd heard about many gladiators 'leaving', 'going on great adventures', 'being in a better place'. Now he had to be sat down and gently enlightened about the life that awaited him. He understood, but could not imagine a person in the place of the lioness. Could not envision the smiling faces of his mentors cold and lifeless. Until he witnessed it.
For a few years he fought against animals for the crowd. A particularly aggressive lion, or bears of smaller variants. But it was not until he faced his first real opponent that people truly recognized him as a gladiator. They had thrown a death row prisoner into the ring, thinking it amusing to force him into fighting for his life against a mere child. There was no sound measurable to the cheer that exploded that day, when Erd struck the convicted dead and delivered the sentence. "The Executioner" they named him, after a few more rounds of deliverance in the colosseum ring and especially after a particularly vicious battle between him and another man, who'd slain one of Erd's 'mothers' in a fight prior. They said the young thing was so full of rage and bloodlust that it ripped a grown man to shreds, did not stop hacking until there was little of his face left.
Many were curious about this menacing character, until they saw a young boy with helmet hanging low over his brow. And yet by 13 years of age, Erd had amassed enough glory to be very.. wanted. Not by suitors, although he had his uncomfortable fair share thereof, but by investors. Sponsors who not only wanted to pay a gladiator, they wanted to own one and profit from them. Despite overwhelming protest, one day the colosseum received a generous enough offer and had no choice but to sell Erd. The boy became a cashgrab cage-fighting dog for an uncaring owner, and even switched hands a few times, when he happened to bore previous handlers. In this world, a world of men and women spilling blood for entertainment, is where his story begins.


soon, bihct blurb here about Hymn, wip and here abt Selene, wip


- Believes in the concept of a place he will be sent to after he dies, where he will reunite with his loved ones. Be it heaven or any other realm, he hasn't named it nor cares for specific. He simply believes. -


adopted sister

Hymn is incredibly dear to him, something between a best friend and a very dear little sister. She's his closest confidante even though he may not be hers. He's extremely protective of her, although in the context of gladiatorship, where many get injured. Doesn't stop him from hovering. She was brought to the colosseum at 12 and Erd instantly felt a kinship with the extremely young girl.
escapee and companion

A songbird he realized was caged a bit too late than he should have.

some info about their relationship goes here. some info about their relationship goes here. some info about their relationship goes here. some info about their relationship goes here. some info about their relationship goes here. some info about their relationship goes here.