Seraphina (Sera) Willow



4 years, 2 months ago




           First: Seraphina

           Last: Willow

    Personality:  More extroverted than introverted. Seraphina is very passionate and tries her best to help others in need. Only resorts to fighting/violence when needs to. Protective. Nurses a silent resentment towards anyone that has ever wronged her.

   SpeciesHalf-elf, half human

   Class: Cleric/Magician

   Appearance: Pale, fair skin color. Curly and light blonde hair color in a sidecut. The left side of her hair falls to her shoulder, while the ride side is shaved, leaving a star - the symbol of the main deity she follows, Mystra, the goddess of Magic. Her right eye is a royal purple color, while her left eye is a deep blue color. Often wears a black choker, and always wears a necklace with a cougar's tooth attached to it. Seraphina typically wears normal cleric bard.

   Backstory: Seraphina Peace Willow was born, her father being an elf and her mother being a human. After her mother died at childbirth, Seraphina's father took her to the small elf tribe that he had lived his life in, before he had met Sera's mother. The tribe kept traveling and moving, but Sera lived happily. When she was eleven years of age, the tribe had settled in an area where cougars were very common. At night when they slept, the tribe was attacked by the cougars. The tribe had tried to fight back, but being very small they had not succeeded. Before Seraphina could be killed, she had ran as her father instructed. She was later told that none had survived. She swore to herself that it was up to her for their names to enter legend.


    Race: Half-elf

    Class: Cleric

    Backstory: see above






