


4 years, 2 months ago


Basic Information

Name: Acorncurl

Gender: Male

Personality and Appearance

Appearance: He is a redish brown american curl tom with moss colored eyes, he has lighter markings on his face, belly, paws, and tail, and even lighter cream markings on his muzzle, chest, toes and tail tip. He has dark redish brown stripes along his back and on his face. His body is short and thick.

Personality: Acorncurl is a lazy, moody, and patient tom, He lays about most of the time but it's when he's forced to do something is when he has to actually care.

Strengths: He can be quite useful when finding the right herbs, he is also quite agile given his big figure.

Weaknesses: He can be rude and snappy at another cat if they get on his nerves, he is also takes things people say to him personally at times.

Backstory: Acornkit was born an only child as his siblings were stillborn, as a kit he was very lazy and didn't play with the other kits much and it was clear even as an apprentice he wouldn't really try as hard as the others, his parents pushed him into becoming a medic so he could finally be put to use, Acornpaw was very indifferent about the situation, even if he didn't care much about hunting and fighting, he still found it more interesting then being a medic. He eventually gave in and he's been a medic ever since, eventually getting his own apprentice Littlepaw.