Oliver Diamond



4 years, 2 months ago


Basic Info
Name Oliver Diamond
Nickname Ollie
Age ???
Birthday Info
Height 5ft 5in
Gender Male
Species Rainbow Diamond Dragon
Origin Info
Ethnicity Info
Body Type Slender Fit
Sexuality ???
Occupation Deity of the Crystals
Status Single
Worth Priceless
  • Seeing people smile.
  • Helping whenever he can.
  • Relaxing by water.
  • Seeing people help others.
  • Being useless.
  • Selfish people.
  • Seeing people hurt.
  • Being talked down to.
  • He can heal any wound. If the wound is fatal, it will take up most of his energy, which could leave him potentially vulnerable.
  • His power can be multiplied by the number of main crystals on his body. If he needs to, he can multiply it 10x.
  • Oliver can use his energy to turn it into weapons to use against his enemies.
  • Oliver can infuse his energy with minerals from the crystals. Using them to put his enemies to sleep, get paralyzed, become relaxed etc.

Hopeful. Merciful. Nurturing. Empathetic.

Oliver is one of the most merciful people you can hope to encounter. He shows kindness to anyone he crosses paths with. Oliver is a very curious dragon; always wanting to learn more about what the world has to offer. He isn't afraid of anything, so he won't back down from anything. Oliver is determined to keep faith in the world. He wholeheartedly believes everyone has a good to them unless proven otherwise.


Many years ago, Oliver and Lucifer were the two Deities to keep the world in balance. Oliver kept the surface safe, while Lucifer punished those whoever threatened that safety. As the Deities, both Oliver and Lucifer grew their own followers. Oliver's followers would grace him, and pray to him whenever they sought help from him. While Lucifer's followers, would gather in groups to make sacrifices of anything that lived. As much as Lucifer enjoyed the chaos, he disliked the way his own followers gave him attention. On top of that, Oliver's followers treated Lucifer with a great amount of disrespect. Lucifer's name was deemed pure evil in the eyes of Oliver's followers, so they disrespected Lucifer anytime they had. Oliver had tried to explain that Lucifer isn't evil, but they didn't listen. By this point, Lucifer was enraged and took matters into his own hands. Lucifer would visit the surface in different forms to spread rumors about Oliver and Oliver's followers. Lucifer started the fire to something much greater than either of the Deities could anticipate. Oliver once admired Lucifer and saw him as a strong ruler, but learning about what Lucifer did, he was heartbroken. Oliver tried to stop the arguing to the best of his abilities. Things escalated and Oliver found it fit to put people to rest as they hurt themselves. People saw this, and became enraged, thinking Oliver was trying to harm them. The arguing turned into fights, into a war. Oliver couldn't bear to watch, so he fled into the underground to hide and only hope that his absence stops them from continuing the war. Lucifer also went back into hell to not show his face again. With both of the Deities absent, the war slowly died out. The people could only guess and spread rumors that both Deities left because of the war. Hundreds of years passed, and Oliver was already forgotten about. After Oliver got word of chaos threatening the surface again, he decided it was time to head back up. Oliver had bettered himself during those years to properly protect the world. Now Oliver is determined to keep peace to the surface and protect it once again. ~~~ Oliver kept a close eye on the world and he selected up to five people who are worthy of a piece of his power. When he selected the last fifth person, he named them the Guardians of the World. In Oliver's absence, the Guardians roamed the surface in the secret of their true identities. Since Oliver has returned to the surface, he could very much take back his powers. Oliver has thought against it, he named his followers the Guardians of the World, not only to protect the world of harm but from potentially himself as well. If Oliver took back all of his powers, he would then be turned into a God. For the sake of others around him, he keeps things the way they are now.~~~


Lucifer | Relationship

Another Deity who he worked alongside with. Oliver isn't on good terms with Lucifer after returning back to the surface. Oliver tries not to show there is an issue when around Lucifer. He hopes they can work on growing trust again.

Name | Relationship

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Name | Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus. Integer vitae justo eget magna. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.