Amathea Urbina



4 years, 2 months ago



Name Amathea Urbina
Age 100 years old
Height 5'3"
Species Triton
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Asexual
Relationship Status Not Looking
class Bard
Theme Nothing currently


Amathea tends to put up a front around others she doesn't trust. One of a sophisticated and knowledgeable singer. One that others can easily trust. If they don't she'll try to win them over with her voice and dancing. 

Yet when around people she trusts Amathea is blunt and street smart. She will often have a realistic outlook on things and can sound quite mean at times, yet hopes this doesn't drive the people she likes away.

Design Notes

  • Fins lay flat close to her cheeks
  • In between her fingers are webbed
  • Sharp nails
  • Mouth appears small unless she opens it wide enough, showing it's large size


  • Amathea is a weirder more deadly looking Triton
  • Her idea was a mixture of Creature from the Black Lagoon and Sirens 


Amathea doesn't like talking about her old life before she started traveling and singing in various taverns and events. Her life in the deep dark depths of the waters was lackluster and depressing in her eyes. Her family look different from many of the other tritons, which causes bad blood between some of the others. 

She hated her life in the waters so she abandoned it at the age of 20. Refusing to look back at her life in the waves.


  • Wine
  • Jewelry 
  • Flirting
  • Singing
  • Gold


  • Nativity 
  • People looking into her personality
  • Other Tritons
  • Being propositioned
  • Being questioned 
Violixa Friend

Vix and Amathea have many things in common, mostly their love for finer things like wine and jewelry. Amathea's moral align somewhat with Vix's as well, but Amathea is less likely to get her hands dirty.

Hex Friend

Hex is odd yes, but a good friend. Amathea can read certain... signs from Hex looking over all the creepily odd language. Part of Amathea hopes Hex will change, the other part wishes Hex won't; she's more fun this way.

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.