


7 years, 7 months ago


design by Soyu (furaffinity / deviantart)
Lyzans are a closed species of the Meredian world, created and owned by Soyu 


Design as posted by Soyu

Meredian Information


Note to self & artists: If you draw this character, you must include "Lyzans belong to Soyu" and a link to Soyuboyu on deviantart, Meredies on FA, or Soyuboyu on tumblr/twitter in the description of the artwork. Thanks!


++ indicates the most recently added information.
Last updated: July 9, '17

basic information

  • full name: Vail
  • nicknames: "V", "Drifter"
  • species: Lyzan (Sedian - synthetic being)
  • size: tba
  • pronouns: she/her
  • occupation(s): Interplanetary shuttle operator
  • residence: Couch-hopping, stays with friends on different planets and stations between shuttle flights
  • relationship preferences: Polyamorous, and prefers short-term or friends with benefits relationships. Pansexual.
  • backstory:

  • personality

    • Talkative
    • Playful
    • Brave
    • Irreverent
    • A little oblivious to others' fears
    • Fears isolation
  • tidbits
    • tba


  • relationships:
    • Friend
      Rahn - While they seldomly work together and have vastly different personalities, Vail managed to work her way into Rahn's life after a few drinks in a space station's pub. The short, sporadic visits Vail makes to Rahn's home station when work takes her there find her staying in his residence and eating all of his leftovers while he shows her the various projects he has going on at the time. They both find solace in certain types of solitude - him in tinkering with reality augmentors and small robots in his residence and her when surrounded by the vastness of space with a small crew and a few passengers. The time they spend together is limited, and in total they've spent less than two months together over the course of several years, but each visit sees them just as familiar with each other as the last.
    • Friend & colleague
         Ripley - tba