
4 years, 2 months ago



NAME: Kiara Maryanne D'Amour

ALSO KNOWN AS: Kira, as a nickname.

GENDER: Cis Female


AGE: 20

SPECIES: Vampire

SEXUALITY: Polyamorous Lesbian

OCCUPATION: Fashion Designer and Gardener by hobby


ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good


HEIGHT: 5'11

BUILD: She has a curvy figure, close but not quite an hourglass figure. Her arms have muscle notably, but it's not that noticeable. 

EYES: Green

HAIR LENGTH: Short, it's styled in a neat and fancy pixie cut, though it frequently gets slightly messy from how frequently she runs her fingers through it.


SKIN COLOUR: Golden Brown

SCARS: She has a bite mark on her throat from where she'd been bit prior to being turned and a scar on her side that slightly cuts over her stomach.


  • Her ears are pointed
  • Her fangs tend to poke out from her upper lip, especially when she worries her lower lip with them when nervous.
  • She has freckles on her face only. 
  • It's rare to see her without lipstick on. She alternates from black, red, and occasionally green.
  • Her ears are pierced, both with cartilage and lobe piercings.


  • Immortality.
  • Enhanced strength, speed, and senses.
  • Arguably she's more charming than average, though Kiara would argue that it's only in appearance.


Notably graceful, elegant, and precise amongst all else, Kiara is an extremely creative woman who keeps a rather regal air to her if not around those she's close with. She isn't a very loud person, tending to be the type to wait to speak politely unless pushed or in a bad mood. Around those she cares for, Kiara is extremely supportive, though some would argue she also tends to take a near motherly role toward them as well, which can be both a flaw and a virtue depending on if they consider it annoying or not. She is often the mediator between her friends and is one to stop arguments or at the very least quell them. Despite most expecting Kiara to be averse to getting dirty (You know, because everyone assumes she's a fashionista diva type), she is quite the opposite, and perhaps it was partly because of her own "death", but Kiara has little aversion to getting dirty or, if needed, bloody as long as it is necessary. Above all else, any action Kiara performs is done in the ideal of it being for the greater good, and she is not someone that would be considered full of malice, she truly is kind at heart unless pushed, which is notably difficult to do with how high her patience is. Despite her good traits, Kiara's main flaw is that she has a horrible tendency to put herself before others to the point where she sacrifices her own happiness for others. This can lead her to getting trapped in situations that can mentally drain her, though she has to be pushed to admit that as she'll fully believe that whoever she is helping's happiness is more important than her own mental wellbeing. Other than that, though she has a decent sense of humour, it's noted that Kiara has difficulty understanding certain senses of humour at times, especially sarcasm, which she is particularly slow at catching onto even if she's gotten better at using it herself.


Born in France, Kiara was raised in a particularly high-class family alongside her older sister, and the two were, for the most part, raised to be typical prim-and-proper individuals of high standing. Kiara fell into this routine well, and though her sister did as well, it was noted that Pamela had a tendency of going behind her parent's backs unlike Kiara did, sneaking out with boys or girls or smoking when not supposed to. Despite this, she was an incredibly good sibling to Kiara, acting as a role model despite her "vices", as some might have labelled them. Kiara absolutely idolized her sister because of this, admiring her personality despite also being slightly intimidated by it as well due to her more docile one. Kiara, similar to her sister, decided to follow the family trade upon reaching schooling and began working to get a degree in fashion design. During her time in college, however, she'd met up with a boy in her class that she'd soon befriended due to their seemingly similar personalities. Truly, he was a good guy, though, one of Kiara's closest friends and someone she trusted above all else, however, he was also a vampire, something he wouldn't let slip to anyone, not even Kiara, mostly out of a fear of being shunned for it. This bit them both in the asses, however, considering that eventually the boy, Felix, had his status outed by a particularly...anti-supernatural species student at their school. Supernatural beings were out and proud in the world, of course, but not everyone accepted that still, which was, for the most part, why they kept in hiding. Felix attempted to go into hiding because of this, however, Kiara, who refused outright to let her friend suffer through this alone, decided impulsively to let him hide in her apartment, reasoning that nobody would look there or attempt to harm a random human in the attempt of hunting a vampire. Felix reluctantly allowed it, and for a month, he stayed in hiding within Kiara's apartment with no problems, or, well, until someone somehow found out where he was.

Kiara still has no clue how they found out about his whereabouts due to her having, for the most part, pretended like she hadn't known why Felix had suddenly disappeared off-campus or where he'd gone. Regardless, though, one seemingly normal evening of dinner and idle chatter had turned into a nightmare within seconds when a man, a monster hunter, had burst into Kiara's apartment without warning and quickly made an effort to dispatch Felix where he'd been sitting, having aimed a holy crossbow right at him recklessly. Realising quickly that if the bolt hit him that her friend would be good as dead and gone, Kiara, without thinking, had found herself leaping in front of the man's crossfire to attempt to reason with him, only to feel a horrible, tearing pain in her abdomen due to him having already fired the thick bolt, the bolt similar to a wooden stake in shape and size. It'd torn nearly clean through the side of her stomach, and while delirious and out of it from shock, all Kiara had managed to recall were screams and tearing noises as Felix, in a desperate attempt to not only save Kiara but keep himself alive, had thrown himself at the hunter, in a feral sense of pure unbridled rage over seeing his best friend bleeding out on the floor, resulting in the hunter being left broken and bloodied on the floor, unable to flee. Resisting his urge to feed, Felix had turned to Kiara, knowing logically that she'd never make it to the hospital in time in her state, and, recklessly, he decided to turn her instead, refusing to let her die because of someone who'd wanted him dead, not her. Kiara, after having already felt her heart slow to the point where logically, she'd had been considered dead, woke up an hour later, reanimated and hungry. In her haze, she'd barely recalled draining whatever had been left of the hunter's blood, killing him, before Felix had managed to get her to calm down enough to where he could explain everything. Shocked over her new vampiric state, Kiara was, at first, horrified, though, to Felix's surprise, quickly grew to be okay with it, truly grateful that he'd done everything he could have done to keep her alive. 

Kiara continued college after this regardless, still secretly housing Felix within her (soon repaired and rightfully newly fortified) apartment. She graduated, getting a degree in fashion design, and moved, taking Felix with her so he could get a fresh start somewhere else as well. They are currently roommates while Kiara works on becoming known for her art and Felix works to get on his feet properly this time.



  • Fashion.
  • Gardening/Botany/Landscaping.
  • Tea.
  • Romance and Gothic Horror Novels, she is a HUGE fan of the Romanticism movement.


  • Guns.
  • Arguing.
  • Chaotic environments.
  • People who are mean to Felix (or...her girlfriends for that matter)


  • She does NOT burn in the sun, however if it's bright out it can irritate her slightly. She is also...not allergic to garlic.
  • She actually likes being out in the sun, too, so some claim she's just formed a tolerance to it.
  • Her favourite colour is green.
  • When nervous she worries her bottom lip with one of her fangs.


VOICE CLAIM: Tahani from The Good Place

THEME SONG: Norman Fucking Rockwell - Lana Del Ray

FASHION TASTE: Fashionable wear, she keeps up with the trends for the most part and frequently wears skirts and dresses. She tends to follow a green, red, or black colour scheme.