Jules (Kushiel)



4 years, 2 months ago


shes an angel whose main deal is punishing (killing and sending to purgatory) genuinely bad people (like murderers and the rich, not gay people). she lives on earth and sends reports back to the divines, but mostly is just a normal person. shes the patron saint of victims and survivors

shes very sweet and protective and genuinely loves people and talking and is a social butterfly, but shes also not afraid to straight up murder someone to protect innocents.

her angel form on the ref is the form she takes to scare the shit out of people but her real form is Terrifying and massive and would kill a normal person if they saw it bc angels are super fucked up

shes the girl at the party whos like your new bff and who pets ur hair bc ur fucking wasted but only with your permission and then shed give you good advice and make sure u got home safe and then text u the next day to make sure u were ok and ask if u wanted coffee

she likes to smoke. she cant get high like a normal person but its still fun for her. shes also very athletic and likes to run and play sports.

🟢 worth $67