

If I don't go to Hell when I die I might go to Heaven
Name Eclif Sun-woo

Age 22

Birthday December 4

Gender Cis male (he/him)

Species Cat or human

Height 5'3" (human)

Orientation Bisexual

Theme song Chop Suey!



  • Snowy days
  • Doppio espressos
  • Dark places
  • One Piece

  • Ghosts
  • Crowds
  • People
  • Red starbursts

  • Feel free to draw either form
  • His wings & scarf are non-optional
  • Underneath his scarf, on his chest in his cat form, is a flame-shaped marking
  • Feel free to draw him in any edgy outfit
  • Voice claim: Johnny Yong Bosch

Born in the slums of Toronto, Eclif was a curious kitten. Because his father left when he was young and Eclif was ostracized due to his odd appearance, Eclif clung to his mother's affection, wanting desperately to please her. So, curious of the world outside of the alley and wanting to show Victuh he was brave, he ventured out onto the street; his mother, in a panic, ran towards him, only to be hit by a passing car. With no one left to take care of them, Eclif took on a parental role for his younger brother, Junil, and left the alleyway, with his mom's scarf wrapped around his neck as a reminder. A few years pass without a hassle and after a rough argument with Junil about the idea of leaving the city had him storming away, Junil was attacked by a pack of dogs, leaving him scarred and blind in one eye. Eclif, rushing to save his brother, awakened his powers and fought the dogs off. Eclif and a bleeding-out Junil were found by Kivir, who helped heal him. Thus, a friendship was born between the three of them. Because of Kivir, Eclif learned how to not be a sociopath and began expanding his horizons in relations and bonds with others but that led to him completely misunderstanding other's feelings towards him, which in turn led him into many relationships that didn't last long. Thankfully, though, that made Liffy boy realize the one he truly had ~romantic feelings~ for was Kivir. And so, a relationship started and soon enough they had kids together, three bouncing bundles of repressed emotions and saintly virtues, — Einar, Elios and Freida. However, the happiness didn't last long, as his father (who had disappeared years ago and had been stalking him since) came back. As a ghost. Wanting to see just how far his son had come from being a pitiful little kid and to test his son's morality, ghost dad possessed Eclif, had him murder his wife and kids, only to be chased away when Eclif pushed him out of his body with the sheer force of his anger and will. From that experience, Eclif was left depressed and angry and maybe a little bit homicidal. Or a lot homicidal.


Friend (ex-girlfriend?)