Magnus Bonesnake



4 years, 2 months ago


Name Magnus Bonesnake
Species Human
Ethnicity White
Age 27
Height 6'1"
Gender Cis Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Bi
Relationship Single
Occupation Casino Owner
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  • Expensive Wine
  • Rich Fashion
  • Money
  • Crosses


  • Actual Christians
  • His Sister
  • Discussing Issues
  • Owing People

"It just reminds you of where you were"


Magnus is a secretive person. His outer appearance makes people assume that he's a sleezy casino owner, and he is one to some degree, but he acts very agreeable. He just likes to keep to himself and keep his secrets. He usually has a smile plastered on his face which unnerves some people, but that preception usually turns around when they start talking to him. Magnus has a big sense of humor and likes making jabs at jokes at his own expense. He also acts rather submissive in conversations, allowing the other person to usually dominate the conversation. He's not shy, He's usually just curious what the other person would say if he allowed them to just go on and on.


Magnus is the twin to Maria, and the second child of the previous owners of the Ricochet Roulette. The family had always been entrenched in the world of the supernatural, even before Lucifer made the general public realize it was all true. They did a lot of under-the-counter dealings with the vampire courts, usually related to human blood trading. The family dealt in blood magic, and orignally, was planning only having Maria as an heir to their business. When the two parents realized they were having twins, they saw this as an even better opportunity, and turned their second child, Magnus, into just a blood deposite for Maria to use in her magic.

Magnus has many scars from his early childhood. All of them from his parents bloodletting him to give Maria an ample amount of blood for her magic. All of his scars are hidden under his clothing. He's not ashamed by them, but his parents had specifically put them there to be hidden. His parents died around the turn of the 21st century. The supernatural world went into a frenzy about regular humans knowing about them, and the parents were killed by the vampire they once called allies. Maria took over ownership of the Ricochet Roulette, and Magnus is still staying put, incase she ever runs out of her supply of blood.

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