Deimos (Young Deimos)



6 years, 10 months ago


During his time working with Arman and so on

It wasn't too horribly long after The Incident, because the money he'd been able to stuff into his sack could only last so long, so his wounds are just barely free of scabs and he is a long ways away from being less jumpy. 

Arman finds him looking like a mess in the streets and, since he needed some extra help around the store so he could keep a closer eye on Nima while her mom's off making deliveries, he let his sympathy get the best of him and offered him a small job. 

Deimos is careful about the job, being sure to do anything to avoid displeasing Arman. While working for him Arman let's Deimos stay in the extra room connected to the store. Deimos is extremely quiet during this time, barely speaking to even Arman.