Lance's Comments

Thank you all for giving this boyo so much attention!

After a lot of thought I want GuardianNala to take this boyo.

There will be more characters coming out in a day or so

aww hell he is cute

He looks so cute and i love his eyes and his face omg. The glasses are perfeclty for him and with the scars he looks so clumsy.

I would probably take him in the Story from my character Sirius-4. I know I´m new at toyhouse but all of my characters have some storys and I write them all down. So he is probably a friend from sirius-4. Sirius found him on Earth in an old abandoned village. And He is just trying to survive alone. Sirius is helping him and get him a new Home or probably both are flying with Sirius ship across the cosmos.
He helps Sirius when his ship is a little broken or something xD so a little Ship engineer. And Space Pilot.
Sirius is going to get him a new ship or his own ship.
He is a good engineer but everytime clumsy and cute, always happy and curious. Probably sometimes a little shy at the beginning of a new friendship, but Sirius will always help him.

I think He is about 20-21 years old but looks even younger than he is!
He loves flying and watching stars or explore new worlds, but new world are dangerous to. Probably he gets a little handcanon to protect himself. Buuuut he is the kind of guy that dosn´t want to shot anybody... but when it gets toooooo dangerous he probably would, and wouldn´t be happy about it.

OHHH and a name! I think Lance is perfect for him >w<
His favourite color is green and he likes all Kind of animals mostly Dogs and Lions!
He laughts about himself very ofen and makes other people happy
He would probably adopt every animal on new planets cuz they are cute aaand he is like "Can I keep him pleaase?"
Also without his glasses he is probably blind and those glasses are going to be often broken > clumsyyy haha

He would be my little Space Pilot
And I will lov him to the horizon and beyond <3