


4 years, 2 months ago


This is Anna Lacroix, a French Canadian who works closely with the police. She's a district attorney and was a very successful prosecutor before she was elected after cracking an incredibly hard case. Anna is in both of my main Au's and happens to be a lawyer in both of them. She works closely with Lin when sorting out Gianna's case ( boyfriend abuse and embezzling with father.) Its with her intense supervision and help that they both manage to put her ex boyfriend and father behind bars, even from another country. Other AU, she's important as well. She helps Lin again, but this time with the take down of Suvira. She's best friends with Lin in this au, and is her biggest support beacon when shit gets extremely rough, especially after she kills Su. Anna helps Lin with her alcoholism and practically drags her dumb ass off of rock bottom. Anna in both Aus is a headstrong individual with a sense of pride. She enjoys the way she looks are is often never seen without a pair of Louis vuittons on. Red bottom all the way. Anna is very ambitious and will make sure ends are met at all times. She hates letting anyone down completely, and is extremely loyal. In saying this, she has a fiery personality just as Lin does, and can set her off when they're discussing her problems. She will absolutely not back down and will always stand her ground, even if that means hurting herself to do so. She is also fluent in both french and English, and often swears at her colleagues in French. Growing up in France with her parents meant that she has developed a strong French accent. Oui oui. That's Anna for now!