Liiore Dariya



Basic Info

Name Meaning:

Liiore: From 'Lior'; 'Light for me' - Hebrew || Dariya: 'Sea, ocean' - Persian


Ocean Star (Former Idol name)


10.5 Solar Sweeps / ~22 Years




Demisexual Biromantic (Female preference)



Blood Colour:

Seafoam Jade (Anonymous)



Symbol Meaning:

New moon glyph


A very fluffy snake (Deceased)

Strife Specibus:





Lives in a penthouse apartment in Block 136


♥ n/a || ♦ n/a || ♠ n/a

Formally known as the pop idol Ocean Star, Liiore felt out of the celebrity lifestyle just as quickly as he fell into it. His shy and quiet personality made it difficult for him to keep up with the constant heckling by fans and paparazzi, so he ended up quitting and turning to the anonymous lifestyle instead. He's afraid of conflict, and tends to hide away until someone else resolves the problem for him or just avoid situations altogether. He's very softhearted to the point where he feels bad for upsetting inanimate objects and fictional characters, making him comes across as being quite strange and awkward, albeit in a somewhat endearing way. Despite his dopiness and shyness, he's also a good actor who's capable of putting on a brave face when it's required.


  • Video games (MMOs, RPGs, Simulation games)
  • Singing
  • Vintage puppets and toys
  • Rainy days
  • Pastel aesthetic
  • Chillwave

Misc. Information:

  • His faceclaim is Kim Tae-hyung / V from BTS.
  • He was pressured into becoming an idol by his best friend (at the time), Velour. He was scouted thanks to Velour's fame along with his good looks and beautiful singing voice, but his lack of confidence in himself made it difficult for him to enjoy the fame. He'd put up a brave face and faked it until he made it in order to not disappoint Velour.
  • As Ocean Star, he was decently popular, and performed at many concerts as well as being interviewed constantly. He'd receive piles of mail and gifts from his fans daily.
  • Eventually the celebrity lifestyle became way too overwhelming for him and he seemingly dropped off the face of the planet entirely. He stopped showing up for work, made a deal with Dismas to destroy his own identity entirely and wipe any traces of Ocean Star off the internet, and assumed a new life as an anonblood. The existence of Ocean Star is now considered to be somewhat of an internet urban legend.
  • His blood colour, while technically falling under the jade hue, is considered to be seafoam due to its brightness and being slightly less saturated than what is normal. The uniqueness of his blood (without falling under the category of mutant) helped him stand out as an idol.
  • He lives a semi-reclusive life, and only goes out when he really needs something or if it's raining and not many trolls would be around. While it's impossible for him to be recognised due to how drastically he changed his appearance, he still tries to avoid people just to be safe.
  • He feels uncomfortable in large crowds, and hates feeling like he's being watched or is the centre of attention.
  • He doesn't like being touched by strangers, and is a little shy around being physically intimate towards close friends and loved ones. He does, however, become clingy in the sense that he likes to hold onto people's sleeves or the fabric on their clothing while in public so he doesn't lose them in a crowd.
  • He spends most of his time indoors playing video games. He's a part of an MMO group, where he plays a standard warrior character. He likes playing sidequests the most instead of actually fighting, much to the chagrin of his other party members.
  • He's also a fan of RPGs and simulation games such as Animal Crossing and Slime Rancher. He's very serious when it comes to his video games, particularly making sure all everything is perfect and the video game characters are happy because he thinks they have feelings.
  • He's obsessed with Hamtaro, and owns all the games and merchandise as well as the entire TV series. His favourite character is Bijou.
  • He talks to his Pokemon when he plays Pokemon-Amie.
  • He still cries while watching children's movies, no matter how many times he's seen them before.
  • He still sings sometimes, but doesn't like to do it in front of others in case they recognise him.
  • He loves all sorts of cute and chill/low-fi stuff, such as cutesy games, pastel aesthetic pictures, and soft fabrics for clothes. He listens to mostly Chillwave music.
  • He tends to spend a lot of money on fluffy jumpers because he likes the feel of the fabric, but feels bad leaving a store empty-handed after standing in there feeling all the clothes for a while. Many of them still have the price tags attached.
  • He has a weakness for cute and shy girls, and develops crushes on them pretty easily. He's also developed crushes on some of the fictional characters he's romanced in his RPGs.
  • He's very awkward and hates correcting others when they misunderstand them, so there's been situations where he's ordered way too much food by mistake.
  • He knows how to cook, but he's a very picky eater so he mostly just makes variations of the same couple of dishes he can eat. He gets anxious at the thought of other people cooking for him, in case they make something he doesn't like and he'll have to turn down their food or pick things out.
  • He tries to be a very honest person, but will lie if he thinks it'll upset someone less than telling the truth.
  • He always tries to help people he's upset but doesn't know how to do it without angering them further, which often results in him leaving gifts without saying anything or just doing tasks without them asking him to.
  • He has heterochromia. His right eye is light blue while his left is his blood colour. He usually wears grey contacts, though.
  • His hair is naturally very soft and fluffy.